+add build.error

This commit is contained in:
xdrm-brackets 2018-02-17 18:24:08 +01:00
parent 9828a67547
commit a76185db96
2 changed files with 309 additions and 0 deletions

build/error/core/Err.php Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
namespace error\core;
class Err{
/* [1] Success
const Success = 0;
/* [2] Fichiers / Ressources
/* (1) Parsage json/xml */
const ParsingFailed = 1;
/* (2) Fichier inexistant */
const UnreachableResource = 2;
/* (3) Erreur d'upload */
const UploadError = 3;
/* (4) Mauvais format de fichier */
const FormatError = 4;
/* [3] Permissions
/* (1) Token inexistant ou incorrect */
const TokenError = 5;
/* (2) Permission non autorisée */
const PermissionError = 6;
/* [4] API
/* (1) Le module n'est pas activé */
const DisabledModule = 7;
/* (2) Le @path n'est pas renseigne */
const MissingPath = 8;
/* (3) Verification de la coherence du chemin (existe dans la conf) */
const WrongPathModule = 9;
/* (4) Module non specifie dans la conf */
const UnknownModule = 10;
/* (5) Methode non specifie pour ce Module dans la conf */
const UnknownMethod = 11;
/* (6) Module non amorcable */
const UncallableModule = 12;
/* (7) Methode non amorcable */
const UncallableMethod = 13;
/* (8) Erreur méthode HTTP */
const UnknownHttpMethod = 14;
/* (9) Erreur de configuration */
const ConfigError = 15;
/* (10) Paramètre manquant */
const MissingParam = 16;
/* (11) Paramètre incorrect */
const WrongParam = 17;
/* (12) Erreur dans le traitement */
const ModuleError = 18;
/* [5] Database
/* (1) Base de données
/* (1) Erreur lors de la creation d'un objet PDO (connection) */
const PDOConnection = 19;
/* (2) Repositories
/* (1) Verification de la coherence du chemin (existe dans la conf) */
const WrongPathRepo = 20;
/* (2) Module non specifie dans la conf */
const UnknownRepo = 21;
/* (3) Erreur dans le traitement */
const RepoError = 22;
/* (3) ORM
/* (1) Table n'existe pas */
const UnknownTable = 23;
/* (2) Pas permissions de lire le schéma */
const NotAllowedSchema = 24;
/* [6] Erreurs diverses
/* (1) Aucune donnée trouvée */
const NoMatchFound = 25;
/* (2) Mauvais chemin de template */
const UnknownTemplate = 26;
/* (3) géolocalisation échouée */
const UnknownAddress = 27;
/* (4) Erreur inconnue */
const UnknownError = 28;
/* (5) Entrée existante */
const AlreadyExists = 29;

build/error/core/Error.php Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
namespace error\core;
use \error\core\Err;
class Error{
private $error = null;
private $arguments = [];
* @error<const> Const error
* @arg1<String> [OPT] Argument 1
* @arg2<String> [OPT] Argument 2
* @arg...<String> [OPT] Argument ...
* @return instance<Error> Error instance
public function __construct($const){
call_user_func_array([$this, 'set'], func_get_args());
* @return Err<Err::Constant> Error
public function get(){ return $this->error; }
* @error<const> Const error
* @arg1<String> [OPT] Argument 1
* @arg2<String> [OPT] Argument 2
* @arg...<String> [OPT] Argument ...
* @return instance<Error> Error instance
public function set($const){
/* [1] On découpe les arguments
/* (1) On récupère l'erreur */
$this->error = !is_numeric($const) ? Err::UnknownError : $const;
/* (2) On récupère les arguments */
$this->arguments = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
* @return explicit<String> Description explicite du code d'erreur
public function explicit(){
case Err::Success: return $this->Success(); break;
case Err::ParsingFailed: return $this->ParsingFailed(); break;
case Err::UnreachableResource: return $this->UnreachableResource(); break;
case Err::UploadError: return $this->UploadError(); break;
case Err::FormatError: return $this->FormatError(); break;
case Err::TokenError: return $this->TokenError(); break;
case Err::PermissionError: return $this->PermissionError(); break;
case Err::DisabledModule: return $this->DisabledModule(); break;
case Err::MissingPath: return $this->MissingPath(); break;
case Err::WrongPathModule: return $this->WrongPathModule(); break;
case Err::UnknownModule: return $this->UnknownModule(); break;
case Err::UnknownMethod: return $this->UnknownMethod(); break;
case Err::UncallableModule: return $this->UncallableModule(); break;
case Err::UncallableMethod: return $this->UncallableMethod(); break;
case Err::UnknownHttpMethod: return $this->UnknownHttpMethod(); break;
case Err::ConfigError: return $this->ConfigError(); break;
case Err::MissingParam: return $this->MissingParam(); break;
case Err::WrongParam: return $this->WrongParam(); break;
case Err::ModuleError: return $this->ModuleError(); break;
case Err::PDOConnection: return $this->PDOConnection(); break;
case Err::WrongPathRepo: return $this->WrongPathRepo(); break;
case Err::UnknownRepo: return $this->UnknownRepo(); break;
case Err::RepoError: return $this->RepoError(); break;
case Err::UnknownTable: return $this->UnknownTable(); break;
case Err::NotAllowedSchema: return $this->NotAllowedSchema(); break;
case Err::NoMatchFound: return $this->NoMatchFound(); break;
case Err::UnknownTemplate: return $this->UnknownTemplate(); break;
case Err::UnknownAddress: return $this->UnknownAddress(); break;
case Err::UnknownError: return $this->UnknownError(); break;
case Err::AlreadyExists: return $this->AlreadyExists(); break;
default: return $this->UnknownDebugError(); break;
private function Success(){
return 'all right';
}private function ParsingFailed(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return $this->arguments[0].' parsing failed';
return 'parsing failed';
}private function UnreachableResource(){
return 'unreachable resource';
}private function UploadError(){
return 'upload error';
}private function FormatError(){
return 'format error';
}private function TokenError(){
return 'bad or expired token';
}private function PermissionError(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return "missing permission: '".$this->arguments[0]."'";
return 'permission error';
}private function DisabledModule(){
return 'disabled module';
}private function MissingPath(){
return 'missing path';
}private function WrongPathModule(){
return 'wrong module\'s path';
}private function UnknownModule(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return 'unknown module \''.$this->arguments[0].'\'';
return 'unknown module';
}private function UnknownMethod(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return 'unknown method \''.$this->arguments[0].'\'';
return 'unknown method';
}private function UncallableModule(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return 'uncallable module \''.$this->arguments[0].'\'';
return 'uncallable module';
}private function UncallableMethod(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return 'uncallable method \''.$this->arguments[0].'\'';
return 'uncallable method';
}private function UnknownHttpMethod(){
return 'unknown HTTP method';
}private function ConfigError(){
return 'configuration error';
}private function MissingParam(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
return 'missing param \''.$this->arguments[0].'\'';
return 'missing param';
}private function WrongParam(){
if( count($this->arguments) > 0 )
if( count($this->arguments) > 1 )
return 'wrong param \''.$this->arguments[0].'\' expected to be of type \''.$this->arguments[1].'\'';
return 'wrong param \''.$this->arguments[0].'\'';
return 'wrong param';
}private function ModuleError(){
return 'module error';
}private function PDOConnection(){
return 'database error';
}private function WrongPathRepo(){
return 'wrong repository\'s path';
}private function UnknownRepo(){
return 'unknown repository';
}private function RepoError(){
return 'repository error';
}private function UnknownTable(){
return 'unknown table';
}private function NotAllowedSchema(){
return 'schema browsing not allowed';
}private function NoMatchFound(){
return 'no match found';
}private function UnknownTemplate(){
return 'unknown template';
}private function UnknownAddress(){
return 'unknown';
}private function UnknownError(){
return 'unknown error';
}private function AlreadyExists(){
return 'item already exists';
}private function UnknownDebugError(){
return 'unknown debug error';
public function setHttpCode(){
http_response_code( $this->error == Err::Success ? 200 : 417 );