+commit 1

This commit is contained in:
xdrm-brackets 2018-02-17 18:18:58 +01:00
commit 9828a67547
24 changed files with 2612 additions and 0 deletions

autoloader.php Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* [1] On definit les chemins absolus si c'est pas deja fait
if( !defined('__ROOT__') ) define('__ROOT__', dirname(__FILE__) );
if( !defined('__CONFIG__') ) define('__CONFIG__', __ROOT__.'/config' );
if( !defined('__BUILD__') ) define('__BUILD__', __ROOT__.'/build' );
if( !defined('__PUBLIC__') ) define('__PUBLIC__', __ROOT__.'/public_html' );
function debug(){
/* Secure Hash Function
* @raw<String> Data to hash
* @salt<String> Salt to use for hashing
* @pepper<String> Pepper to use for hashing
function secure_hash(String $raw, String $salt='2104\'dsa:">AS"D:', String $pepper='3894.234123;\'21'){
return hash('sha512', $pepper.hash('sha512', $raw.$salt));
* @className<String> Nom de la classe appelee
function autoloader($className){
$path = '';
/* [1] On utilise le namespace pour localiser
// On remplace les '\' par des '/'
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $className) . '.php';
$path = __BUILD__.'/'.$path;
// Si le fichier existe
if( file_exists($path) )
require_once $path; // on inclue le fichier
// On definit l'autoloader comme autoloader (obvious)
spl_autoload_register('autoloader', false, true);

build/api/core/AuthSystem.php Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* API AuthSystem *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace api\core;
use \error\core\Err;
use \error\core\Error;
interface AuthSystem{
* @expected<array> Liste des permissions attendues
* @return error<Error> Erreur associée à la permission (Success/PermissionError/TokenError/etc)
public static function permission($expected);

build/api/core/Checker.php Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
* API Checker *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace api\core;
class Checker{
* @type<String> Type que l'on veut verifier
* @value<mixed*> Valeur a verifier
* @return match<Boolean> Retourne si oui ou non la valeur @value est du bon type @type
public static function run($type, $value){
$checker = true;
/* [0] On verifie que $value n'est pas nul
if( is_null($value) ) return false;
/* [1] Si de type VARCHAR(min, max, flags)
if( preg_match('/^varchar\((\d+), ?(\d+)((?:, ?\w+)+)?\)$/', $type, $match) ){
// On recupere la taille min
$min = (int) $match[1];
// On recupere la taille max
$max = (int) $match[2];
// On recupere le sous-type si défini
$flags = isset($match[3]) ? explode(',', substr($match[3], 1)) : null;
// On effectue la verification de taille
$lenCheck = $checker && is_string($value) && strlen($value) <= $max && strlen($value) >= $min;
// On vérifie les FLAGS s'il est donné
if( is_array($flags) )
foreach( $flags as $flag )
$lenCheck = $lenCheck && self::run($flag, $value);
return $lenCheck;
/* [2] Si de type ARRAY(type_elements)
if( preg_match('/^array<(.+)>$/', $type, $match) ){
// Si c'est pas un tableau on retourne une erreur
if( !is_array($value) )
return false;
$elements_type = $match[1];
// On verifie le type pour chaque element
foreach($value as $element)
// Si erreur dans au moins 1 element, on retourne que c'est incorrect
if( !self::run($elements_type, trim($element) ) )
return false;
// Si aucune erreur, on retourne que tout est bon
return true;
/* [n] Sinon, tous les autres types definis
// Quoi que ce soit
case 'mixed':
return $checker && !is_null($value);
// Entier positif (id dans BDD)
case 'id':
return $checker && is_numeric($value) && $value <= 2147483647 && $value >= 0;
// String quelconque (peut etre vide)
case 'text':
return $checker && is_string($value);
// Adresse mail (255 caracteres max)
case 'mail':
return $checker && is_string($value) && strlen($value) <= 50 && preg_match('/^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i', $value);
// Hash sha1/md5
case 'hash':
return $checker && is_string($value) && preg_match('/^[\da-f]{128}$/', $value);
case 'alphanumeric':
return $checker && is_string($value) && preg_match('/^[\w\.-]+$/ui', $value);
case 'letters':
return $checker && is_string($value) && preg_match('/^[a-z -]+$/i', $value);
case 'status':
return $checker && is_numeric($value) && floor($value) == $value && $value >= 0 && $value <= 100;
// Tableau non vide
case 'array':
return $checker && is_array($value) && count($value) > 0;
// Boolean
case 'boolean':
return $checker && is_bool($value);
// Objet non vide
case 'object':
return $checker && is_object($value) && count((array) $value) > 0;
// Chaine JSON (on vérifie via le parser)
case 'json':
return $checker && is_string($value) && json_decode($value, true) !== NULL;
case 'numeric':
return $checker && (is_numeric($value) || $value == null || $value == 'null');
case "float":
return $checker && is_float($value);
return false;
return $checker;

build/api/core/Config.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
namespace api\core;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
class Config{
/* (1) Attributes
/* (1) Static */
private static $inst = null; // singleton instance
private static function config_path(){ return __ROOT__.'/config/modules.json'; }
public static $allowed_http_methods = [ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" ];
/* (2) Instance */
private $raw;
public $index;
public $error;
/* (2) Private constructor
* @path<String> Configuration path
private function __construct($path=null){
// Set default error
$this->error = new Error(Err::Success);
/* (1) Access file content
---------------------------------------------------------*/ {
/* (1) Vérification existence fichier config */
if( !file_exists($path) )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnreachableResource);
/* (2) Lecture fichier config */
$conf = @file_get_contents($path);
/* (3) Si erreur lecture */
if( $conf === false )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnreachableResource);
/* (4) Parsage json */
$this->raw = json_decode( $conf, true );
/* (5) Gestion de l'erreur de parsage */
if( $this->raw == null )
return $this->error->set(Err::ParsingFailed, 'json');
/* (2) Construction de l'index des chemins
---------------------------------------------------------*/ {
/* (1) Initialisation */
$this->index = [];
$ref = [ '/' => array_merge($this->raw) ];
/* (2) Tant qu'il reste des @ref à traiter */
while( count($ref) > 0 ){
/* (2.1) For each ref */
foreach($ref as $ref_path=>$ref_children){
/* (2.2) For each children */
foreach($ref_children as $path=>$method_or_subpath){
/* (2.2.1) If is an HTTP method -> add to index */
if( in_array($path, self::$allowed_http_methods) ){
/* ( If no index for this path -> add it */
if( !isset($this->index[$ref_path]) )
$this->index[$ref_path] = [];
/* ( Add the HTTP method definition */
$this->index[$ref_path][$path] = $method_or_subpath;
/* (2.2.2) If a sub path -> add it to next refs to process */
if( $ref_path == '/' )
$ref["$ref_path$path"] = $method_or_subpath;
$ref["$ref_path/$path"] = $method_or_subpath;
/* (2.3) In all cases -> remove current from ref */
/* (3) Static singleton 'get-or-create'
* @return inst<Config> Configuration singleton
public static function get(){
/* (1) If @inst already exists -> return singleton */
if( self::$inst instanceof Config )
return self::$inst;
/* (2) If @inst not set -> create singleton and return it */
self::$inst = new self( self::config_path() );
return self::$inst;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
namespace api\core;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
use \api\core\Request;
use \api\core\Config;
class Documentation{
/* (1) Attributes
/* (1) Static */
/* (2) Instance */
/* (2) Builds the documentation
public function generate(Request $rq=null){
/* (1) Get data from config
/* (1) If no index for this path -> exit */
if( !isset(Config::get()->index[$rq->get('id')['path']]) )
return new Response(new Error(Err::WrongPathModule));
/* (2) Local store: configuration for this path */
$cfg = Config::get()->index[$rq->get('id')['path']];
$response = new Response();
$response->append('methods', $cfg);
return $response;

build/api/core/Loader.php Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* API Loader *
* 18-07-2017 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace api\core;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
use \http\core\HttpRequest;
use \api\core\Request;
class Loader{
/* (1) Build an API Request from the HTTP Request
* @uri<String> URI
* @return outName<outType> outDesc
public static function remote($uri){
/* (1) Fetch HttpRequest correct data
/* (1) Parse HttpRequest data because php doesn't parse it for non-POST HTTP method */
$httprequest = new HttpRequest();
/* (2) For later use -> replace default @_POST global */
$_POST = $httprequest->POST();
/* (3) Get @data from @_POST values */
$data = $_POST;
/* (2) Build request
return new Request($uri, $data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* API ModuleFactory *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace api\core;
class ModuleFactory{
* @module<String> Nom du module
* @arguments<Array> [OPTIONNEL] Arguments à passer au constructeur
* @return instance<Module> Instance du module en question
public static function getModule($module, $arguments=[]){
/* (1) On gère les arguments */
$arguments = is_array($arguments) ? $arguments : [];
/* (2) Exception: URI Racine */
if( $module == '/' )
$module = '/root';
/* (3) On transforme @module en namespace */
$module_ns = str_replace('/', '\\', $module);
/* (4) On vérifie que la classe existe */
if( !file_exists(__BUILD__."/api/module$module.php") )
return false;
/* (5) On récupère la classe */
$class_name = "\\api\\module$module_ns";
/* (6) On retourne une instance */
return new $class_name($arguments);

build/api/core/Request.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
namespace api\core;
use \database\core\DatabaseDriver;
use \api\core\AuthSystem;
use \api\core\ModuleFactory;
use \api\core\Config;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
class Request{
// Constantes
private static $default_options = [ 'download' => false ];
private static $authsystem = null;
// Attributs prives utiles (initialisation)
private $id; // chemin extrait de l'URI
private $raw_params; // paramètres reçus
private $params; // paramètres donnés à la fonction
private $options; // options
private $http_method; // methode HTTP appelante
// Contiendra l'etat de la requete
public $error;
/* (0) Constructeur d'une requete de module
* @uri<String> URI relative de l'appel
* @param<Array> Tableau associatif contenant les parametres utiles au traitement
* @forced_method<String> Méthode demandée (optionnel)
* @return instance<Request> Instance crée
public function __construct($uri=null, $params=null, $forced_method=null){
return $this->buildRequestObject($uri, $params, $forced_method);
/* (1) Constructeur d'une requete de module (delegation)
* @uri<String> URI relative de l'appel
* @param<Array> Tableau associatif contenant les parametres utiles au traitement
* @forced_method<String> Méthode demandée (optionnel)
* @return status<Boolean> Retourne si oui ou non tout s'est bien passe
private function buildRequestObject($uri=null, $params=null, $forced_method=null){
/* (1) Initialisation
/* (1) Erreur par défaut */
$this->error = new Error(Err::Success);
/* (2) Si pas parametre manquant, on quitte */
if( is_null($uri) )
return $this->error->set(Err::MissingPath);
/* (2) On vérifie la configuration
/* (1) Dispatch if error */
if( Config::get()->error->get() != Err::Success )
return ($this->error = Config::get()->error);
/* (3) Verification des types des parametres
/* (1) Si path est une <string> */
if( !is_string($uri) ) // Si le type est incorrect
return $this->error->set(Err::WrongPathModule);
/* (2) Add slash at the beginning of URI */
if( !preg_match('@^\/@', $uri) )
$uri = "/$uri";
/* (3) Formattage @params en tableau */
$this->raw_params = (is_array($params)) ? $params : [];
/* (4) On définit en constante la méthode HTTP */
if( !isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && !is_string($forced_method) )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnknownHttpMethod);
$this->http_method = is_string($forced_method) ? strtoupper($forced_method) : strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
/* (4) Verification du chemin (existence module+methode)
if( !$this->checkURI($uri) ) // Verification de la coherence du chemin + attribution
return false; // checkURI() sets the error itself
/* (5) Si requête de documentation -> on arrête la vérification
if( $this->id['doc_request'] )
return true;
/* (6) Verification des permissions
if( !$this->checkPermission() ) // Si on a pas les droits
return false; // checkPermission() sets the error itself
/* (7) Verification des parametres (si @type est defini)
if( !$this->checkParams() ) // Verification de tous les types
return false; // checkParams() sets the error itself
/* (8) Récupèration des options
/* (9) Construction de l'objet
return true; // On retourne que tout s'est bien passe
/* (2) Definit le systeme d'authentification
* @instance<AuthSystem> Instance de type AuthSystem
* @return success<Boolean> Whether the AuthSystem is valid or not
public static function setAuthSystem($instance=null){
/* (1) Check instance type */
if( !($instance instanceof AuthSystem) )
return false;
/* (2) Store instance */
self::$authsystem = $instance;
return true;
/* (3) Verification du format et de la coherence du chemin specifie
* @URI<String> URI d'appel (commence par /)
* @return validity<Boolean> Retourne si oui ou non l'objet est correct
private function checkURI($uri){
/* (1) Verification format general
/* (1) If wrong format -> exit */
if( !preg_match('@^\/[^\/]*(\/[^\/]*)*\/?$@', $uri) )
return $this->error->set(Err::WrongPathModule);
/* (2) Add ending '/' if not there */
if( $uri[strlen($uri)-1] != '/' )
$uri = "$uri/";
/* (2) Verification de l'existence du chemin (conf)
/* (1) Check if begins with each indexed @path */
$exists_size = 0;
$path = null;
foreach(Config::get()->index as $key=>$void){
$match_size = strlen($key);
/* (1.1) Look for the longer ( match | '/' ) */
if( $match_size > $exists_size && substr($uri, 0, $match_size+1) == "$key/" || $key == '/' ){
$exists_size = $key == '/' ? 0 : $match_size;
$path = $key;
/* (2) If @path not found -> exit */
if( is_null($path) )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnknownModule);
/* (3) Extract URI parameters
/* (1) Extract URI string after @path */
$uri_end = substr($uri, $exists_size);
/* (2) Special case: add / if root uri arguments */
if( strlen($uri_end) > 0 && $uri_end[0] != '/' )
$uri_end = "/$uri_end";
/* (3) If invalid format, return error */
if( !preg_match('@^((?:\/[^\/]*)*)\/?$@', $uri_end, $uri_match) )
return $this->error->set(Err::InvalidURI);
/* (4) Add each URI parameter to the parameter store */
$uri_args = array_slice( explode('/', $uri_match[1]), 1);
foreach($uri_args as $index=>$value)
if( strlen($value) > 0 ) // do not store '//' empty values
$this->raw_params["URL$index"] = $value;
/* (4) Verification de l'existence de la methode (conf)
/* (1) If it is a documentation request */
$doc_req = $this->http_method == 'OPTIONS';
/* (2) Check if HTTP method is in allowed methods */
if( !in_array($this->http_method, Config::$allowed_http_methods) && !$doc_req )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnknownHttpMethod, $this->http_method);
/* (3) Check if HTTP method is defined for this @path */
if( !isset(Config::get()->index[$path][$this->http_method]) && !$doc_req )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnknownMethod, $this->http_method);
/* (5) Enregistrement du chemin et renvoi de SUCCESS
$this->id = [
'path' => $path,
'method' => $this->http_method,
'doc_request' => $doc_req
return true;
/* (4) Retourne si on a la permission d'executer cette methode
* @return permission<bool> Retourne si on a les droits ou pas pour executer cette methode
private function checkPermission(){
/* (1) On recupere les informations utiles
// On recupere le nom de la methode
$method = Config::get()->index[$this->id['path']][$this->id['method']];
// Si aucune permission n'est definie
if( !isset($method['per']) || !is_array($method['per']) || count($method['per']) < 1 )
return true;
/* (2) Vérification des permissions et de l'authentification
// if no AuthSystem set up, use the default one
if( !is_object(self::$authsystem) || !self::$authsystem instanceof AuthSystem ){
// try to load default AuthSystem
if( !file_exists(__BUILD__.'/api/core/AuthSystemDefault.php') )
return $this->error->set(Err::UnreachableResource);
// load default AuthSystem class
$classname = '\\api\\core\\AuthSystemDefault';
self::$authsystem = new $classname();
// Check permission using user-implemented AuthSystem
$granted = self::$authsystem::permission( $method['per'] );
/* (1) On retourne FAUX si aucun droit n'a ete trouve */
if( $granted->get() !== Err::Success ){
$this->error = $granted;
return false;
/* On retourne VRAI si la permission est ok */
return true;
/* (5) Verification du type des parametres envoyes
* @return correct<bool> Retourne si oui ou non les parametres ont le bon type
private function checkParams(){
/* (1) On verifie qu'il ne manque aucun parametre
/* (1) Si @params n'est pas un tableau */
if( !is_array($this->raw_params) )
return $this->error->set(Err::MissingParam);
/* (2) On récupère les données de la méthode */
$method = Config::get()->index[$this->id['path']][$this->id['method']];
/* (3) Si pas 'parameters' dans la config */
if( !isset($method['par']) || !is_array($method['par']) )
return $this->error->set(Err::ConfigError);
/* (2) Si le type est defini, pour chaque param, on teste
foreach($method['par'] as $name=>$config){
/* (2.1) Vérification des données
/* (1) Si @name n'est pas une string */
if( !is_string($name) )
return $this->error->set(Err::ConfigError);
/* (2) Si @config n'est pas un tableau */
if( !is_array($config) )
return $this->error->set(Err::ConfigError);
/* (3) So @config['typ] manquant ou incorrect */
if( !isset($config['typ']) || !is_string($config['typ']) )
return $this->error->set(Err::ConfigError);
/* (2.2) Gestion des spécifications
/* (1) On récupère le paramètre RENAME */
$rename = $name;
if( isset($config['ren']) && is_string($config['ren']) && preg_match('@^\w+$@', $config['ren']) )
$rename = $config['ren'];
/* (2) On récupère si le paramètre est optionnel ou pas */
$optional = isset($config['opt']) && $config['opt'] === true;
/* (3) Gestion du paramètre DEFAULT */
$default = null;
/* (3.1) Check if default NOT (NULL || FILE) -> matches TYPE */
if( isset($config['def']) ){
/* (3.1.1) Set default value from config */
$default = $config['def'];
/* (3.1.2) If FILE and not null -> Check type */
if( $config['typ'] != 'FILE' || $default != null )
if( !Checker::run($config['typ'], $default) )
return $this->error->set(Err::WrongDefaultParam, $rename, $config['typ']);
/* (4) Si de type 'FILE' + fichier existe => on enregistre la ref. */
if( $config['typ'] == 'FILE' && isset($_FILES[$name]) )
$this->params[$rename] = &$_FILES[$name];
/* (4) Si param obligatoire et manquant -> erreur */
if( !isset($this->raw_params[$name]) && !$optional )
return $this->error->set(Err::MissingParam, $rename);
/* (2.3) Gestion des valeurs
/* (1) Si le paramètre est optionnel et manquant */
if( $optional && !isset($this->raw_params[$name]) ){
// On le crée le param optionnel avec la valeur @default
$this->params[$rename] = $default;
/* (2) Si le paramètre est renseigné (sauf FILE) */
}elseif( $config['typ'] != 'FILE' ){
// Si la verification est fausse, on retourne faux
if( !Checker::run($config['typ'], $this->raw_params[$name]) )
return $this->error->set(Err::WrongParam, $rename, $config['typ']);
// Sinon, on ajoute aux params qu'on enverra à l'appel
$this->params[$rename] = $this->raw_params[$name];
/* (3) Gestion du retour, si tout s'est bien passe
return true;
/* (6) Ajout des options a partir de la configuration
* @return correct<bool> Retourne FAUS en cas d'erreur
private function buildOptions(){
/* (1) On récupère les options de la méthode en cours
$method = Config::get()->index[$this->id['path']][$this->id['method']];
/* (1) Si 'option' n'est pas défini (ou incorrect), on met les valeurs par défaut */
if( !isset($method['opt']) || !is_array($method['opt']) )
return true;
/* (2) Par défaut on définit les options par défaut */
$this->options = self::$default_options;
/* (3) On récupère les options données */
$options = $method['opt'];
/* (2) Gestion des différentes options
foreach($options as $option=>$value){
/* (1) On ne prend en compte l'option que si elle est dans les options par défaut */
if( !isset(self::$default_options[$option]) )
/* (2) Le type de la valeur doit être le même que celui de la valeur par défaut */
if( gettype($value) != gettype(self::$default_options[$option]) )
/* (3) Si tout est bon, on définit la valeur */
$this->options[$option] = $value;
return true;
/* (7) Execute le traitement associe et remplie la reponse
* @return answer<Response> Retourne une reponse de type <Response> si tout s'est bien passe
public function dispatch(){
/* (1) Vérifications de niveau 0
/* (1) Si erreur -> on dispatch à la réponse */
if( $this->error->get() !== Err::Success )
return new Response($this->error);
/* (2) S'il requête de documentation -> on génère la documentation */
if( $this->id['doc_request'] )
return Documentation::generate($this);
/* (2) On essaie d'instancier le module
$instance = ModuleFactory::getModule($this->id['path']);
if( $instance instanceof Error ){
$this->error->set(Err::UncallableModule, $this->id['path']);
return new Response($this->error);
/* (3) On verifie que la methode est amorcable
if( !is_callable([$instance, $this->id['method']]) ){
$this->error->set(Err::UncallableMethod, $this->id['method']);
return new Response($this->error);
/* (4) On amorce la methode
/* (1) On lance la fonction */
$returned = call_user_func( [$instance, $this->id['method']], $this->params );
/* (2) On appelle le destructeur (si défini) */
$instance = null;
/* (5) Gestion de la reponse
/* (1) S'il s'agit d'un téléchargement -> on dispatch */
if( $this->options['download'] === true )
return $this->download();
/* (2) On construit la réponse avec l'erreur */
$response = new Response($this->error);
/* (3) On ajoute les données */
/* (4) On retourne la réponse */
return $response;
/* (8) Gestion d'un téléchargement HTTP
public function download(){
/* (1) Vérification des erreurs et paramètres
/* (1) Si retourne 'error' et n'est pas SUCCESS -> error */
if( isset($returned['error']) && $returned['error'] instanceof Error && $returned['error']->get() != Err::Success ){
$this->error = $returned['error'];
return new Response($this->error);
/* (2) Vérification du contenu, si pas défini */
if( !isset($returned['body']) ){
return new Response($this->error);
/* (3) Si @headers n'est pas défini on met par défaut */
if( !isset($returned['headers']) || !is_array($returned['headers']) ){
return new Response($this->error);
/* (4) Détermine si téléchargement AJAX/DIRECT */
$from_ajax = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest';
/* (2) Gestion du téléchargement direct (HTTP)
if( !$from_ajax ){
/* (1) On définit les headers */
foreach($returned['headers'] as $header=>$value)
header($header.': '.$value);
/* (2) On affiche le contenu */
echo $returned['body'];
return true;
/* (3) Gestion du téléchargement différé (AJAX)
/* (1) On génère les noms de fichiers utiles */
$target_fname = '/tmp/download_'.uniqid().'.php'; // cible
$buffer_fname = __ROOT__.'/tmp/content_'.uniqid().'.php'; // buffer
/* (2) On écrit le BODY dans un fichier buffer */
$buffer_file = fopen($buffer_fname, 'w');
fwrite($buffer_file, $returned['body']);
/* (3) On crée le fichier cible */
$target_fnameroot = __PUBLIC__.$target_fname;
$taret_file = fopen($target_fnameroot, 'w');
fwrite($taret_file, '<?php'.PHP_EOL);
/* (4) Script qui écrira les headers */
foreach($returned['headers'] as $header=>$value)
fwrite($taret_file, "header(\"$header: $value\");".PHP_EOL);
/* (5) Script qui écrira le contenu du buffer */
chmod($buffer_fname, 0775);
fwrite($taret_file, "readfile('$buffer_fname');".PHP_EOL);
/* (6) Script qui supprimera les fichiers: buffer+target */
fwrite($taret_file, "unlink('$buffer_fname');".PHP_EOL);
fwrite($taret_file, "unlink(__FILE__);".PHP_EOL);
fwrite($taret_file, '?>'.PHP_EOL);
/* (7) On ferme le fichier cible */
chmod($target_fnameroot, 0775);
/* (8) On envoie la réponse contenant le lien du fichier cible */
$response = new Response($this->error);
$response->append('link', $target_fname);
return $response;
/* (9) Getter générique
* @index<String> Index de l'attribut
public function get($index=null){
case 'id': return $this->id; break;
case 'raw_params': return $this->raw_params; break;
case 'params': return $this->params; break;
case 'options': return $this->options; break;
case 'http_method': return $this->http_method; break;
return null;

build/api/core/Response.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* API Response *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace api\core;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
class Response{
// Attributs prives utiles (initialisation)
private $data;
public $error;
* @error<ModuleError> Erreur passee par la requete (si existe)
public function __construct($error=null){
if( !( $error instanceof Error ) )
$error = new Error(Err::Success);
$this->data = [];
$this->error = $error;
* @key<String> Le nom de la valeur a ajouter
* @value<mixed*> La valeur a ajouter
public function append($key, $value){
// Ajoute une entree pour la cle @key et de valeur @value
$this->data[$key] = $value;
return $this;
* @dataset<Array> Le tableau associatif correspondant a la reponse
public function appendAll($dataset){
// Si ce n'est pas un tableau, on ne fais rien
if( !is_array($dataset) )
return $this;
// Si une valeur contient une erreur
if( array_key_exists('error', $dataset) && $dataset['error'] instanceof Error){
// On definit cette erreur
$this->error = $dataset['error'];
// On enleve cette entree des donnees
// Ajoute une entree pour la cle @key et de valeur @value
$this->data = $dataset;
return $this;
* @key<String> Le nom de la valeur a recuperer
* @return value<mixed*> La valeur a cette cle
* @return error<null> Retourne NULL si aucune valeur pour cette cle
public function get($key){
// Si la valeur de cle @key n'existe pas, on retourne NULL
if( !isset($this->data[$key]) )
return null;
// Sinon, on retourne la valeur associee
return $this->data[$key];
* @return data<Array> Les donnees de la reponse
public function getAll(){
// Sinon, on retourne la valeur associee
return $this->data;
* @return json<String> Retourne les donnees serialisees
public function serialize(){
// Code Http
// Type de contenu
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
// On rajoute l'erreur au message
$returnData = array_merge([
'error' => $this->error->get(),
'ErrorDescription' => $this->error->explicit()
return json_encode($returnData);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
* DatabaseDriver *
* 08-04-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace database\core;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
class DatabaseDriver{
private static function conf(){
$path = __CONFIG__.'/database-driver.json';
/* (1) Checks the file */
if( !is_file($path) )
return [];
/* (2) Checks json */
$parsed = json_decode( file_get_contents($path), true );
if( !is_array($parsed) )
return [];
/* (3) Returns configuration */
return $parsed;
private static $path; // Databases configurations files
private static $config; // PDO configurations
private static $instance = []; // Database driver instance list
public $error;
private $host;
private $dbname;
private $username;
private $password;
private $pdo;
* @host<String> Database Server's host
* @dbname<String> Database name
* @username<String> Database username
* @password<String> Database password
private function __construct($host, $dbname, $username, $password){
/* (2) Stores configuration */
$this->host = $host;
$this->dbname = $dbname;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host='.$this->host.';dbname='.$this->dbname, $this->username, $this->password, [
// On signale que tout s'est bien passe
$this->error = new Error(Err::Success);
}catch(Exception $e){
// On signale qu'il y a une erreur
$this->error = new Error(Err::PDOConnection);
**** Multiton Management (static) ****
* @label<String> [optional] Database Label
* @return status<Boolean> If added successfully
private static function add($label=null){
$conf = self::conf();
/* [1] Default values
/* (1) If label isn't given */
is_null($label) && ($label = 'default');
/* (2) If label and no path */
if( $label !== 'default' && !isset($conf[$label]) )
return false;
/* [3] Instanciates the driver
/* (1) If local -> instanciates with local configuration */
// if( !checkdnsrr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'NS') )
self::$instance[$label] = new DatabaseDriver($conf[$label]['local']['host'], $conf[$label]['local']['dbname'], $conf[$label]['local']['user'], $conf[$label]['local']['password']);
/* (2) If Remote -> instanciates with Remote configuration */
// else
// self::$instance[$label] = new DatabaseDriver($conf[$label]['remote']['host'], $conf[$label]['remote']['dbname'], $conf[$label]['remote']['user'], $conf[$label]['remote']['password']);
return true;
}catch(\Exception $e){
/* (3) If fails */
return false;
* @label<String> [optional] Driver's label
* @return driver<Database> Multiton
public static function get($label=null){
$conf = self::conf();
/* [1] Checks arguments
/* (1) Label default value */
is_null($label) && ($label = 'default');
/* (2) If no label, or unknown label */
if( is_null($label) || !isset(self::$instance[$label]) ){
/* (2.1) Try to add the configuration if exists */
if( isset($conf[$label]) ){
return self::get($label);
throw new \Exception('Database @label is incorrect.');
/* [2] Returns instance
return self::$instance[$label];
/** retourne la connection statique
* @param null $label
* @return \PDO
public static function getPDO($label=null){
$instance = self::get($label);
return $instance->pdo;
public function pdo(){
return $this->pdo;
public function getConfig(){
return [
'host' => $this->host,
'dbname' => $this->dbname,
'username' => $this->username

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Repo *
* 24-11-2017 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
namespace database\core;
use \error\core\Error;
use \error\core\Err;
class Repo{
/* (1) Driver
private static $driver = null;
public static function setDriver(DatabaseDriver $driver){ self::$driver = $driver; }
public static function request(String $repo=null, String $method=null){
/* (1) Check arguments
/* (1) Check @repo */
if( !is_string($repo) || strlen($repo) < 1 )
throw new \Exception("@repo is not a non-empty string");
/* (2) Check @method */
if( !is_string($method) || strlen($method) < 1 )
throw new \Exception("@method is not a non-empty string");
/* (3) Check class path */
$class_path = "\\database\\repo\\$repo";
if( !\class_exists($class_path) )
throw new \Exception("Repo class '$class_path' cannot be found");
/* (2) Call the method
/* (1) Create the instance (pre-script) */
$instance = new $class_path();
/* (2) Check extends Repo_i */
if( !( $instance instanceof Repo_i ) )
throw new \Exception("Repo class '$class_path' must extends Repo_i");
/* (3) Bind pdo instance */
\call_user_func([$instance, 'setPDO'], self::$driver->pdo());
/* (3) Check if the method exists */
if( !\method_exists($instance, $method) )
throw new \Exception("Repo '$repo' has no public method '$method'");
/* (4) Fetch response (send arguments as well) */
$response = call_user_func_array([$instance, $method], array_slice(func_get_args(), 2));
/* (5) Call post-script */
$instance = null;
/* (6) Dispatch response */
return $response;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
namespace database\core;
class Repo_i{
* @var \PDO
protected $pdo = null;
public function setPDO( \PDO $pdo){
$this->pdo = $pdo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
namespace database\repo;
use \database\core\Repo_i;
class user extends Repo_i{
/* (1) Return all users in database
* @return users<array> The user list
* FALSE on error
public function getAll(){
/* (1) Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `user` ORDER BY `username` ASC");
/* (2) Fetched data */
return $st->fetchAll();
/* (2) Return a user by its `id_user`
* @id_user<int> The user UID
* @return user<array> The user if found
* FALSE on error
public function getById(int $id_user){
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id_user` = :id_user LIMIT 1");
/* (2) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':id_user', $id_user, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
/* (3) Execute */
if( !$pst->execute() ) return false; // if error -> send FALSE
/* (4) Fetched data */
return $pst->fetch();
/* (3) Return a user by its `mail`
* @mail<String> The user mail address
* @return user<array> The user if found
* FALSE on error
public function getByMail(String $mail){
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `mail` = :mail LIMIT 1");
/* (2) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':mail', $mail, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 50);
/* (3) Execute */
if( !$pst->execute() ) return false; // if error -> send FALSE
/* (4) Fetched data */
return $pst->fetch();
/* (4) Return a user by its `username`
* @username<String> The user username
* @return user<array> The user if found
* FALSE on error
public function getByUsername(String $username){
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `username` = :username LIMIT 1");
/* (2) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':username', $username, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 20);
/* (3) Execute */
if( !$pst->execute() ) return false; // if error -> send FALSE
/* (4) Fetched data */
return $pst->fetch();
/* (5) Return a user by its `token`
* @token<String> The user token
* @return user<array> The user if found
* FALSE on error
public function getByToken(String $token){
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `token` is not NULL AND `token` = :token LIMIT 1");
/* (2) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':token', $token, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 128);
/* (3) Execute */
if( !$pst->execute() ) return false; // if error -> send FALSE
/* (4) Fetched data */
return $pst->fetch();
/* (6) Check the password of a user
* @id_user<String> The user UID
* @password<String> The password to test
* @return valid<bool> Whether the password is valid or not
public function checkPassword(int $id_user, String $password){
/* (1) Hash the password */
$hash = \secure_hash($password, $id_user, 'user-pass');
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id_user` = :id_user AND `pass` = :pass LIMIT 1");
/* (3) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':id_user', $id_user, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$pst->bindParam(':pass', $hash, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 128);
/* (4) Execute */
if( !$pst->execute() ) return false; // if error -> send FALSE
/* (5) If no data -> means invalid password */
if( !is_array($pst->fetch()) )
return false;
/* (6) If here -> means password is ok */
return true;
/* (6) Set the password for a user
* @id_user<String> The user UID
* @password<String> The password to set
* @return set<bool> Whether the password has been set or not
public function setPassword(int $id_user, String $password){
/* (1) Hash the password */
$hash = \secure_hash($password, $id_user, 'user-pass');
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE `user` SET `pass` = :pass WHERE `id_user` = :id_user");
/* (3) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':pass', $hash, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 128);
$pst->bindParam(':id_user', $id_user, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
/* (4) Execute -> dispatch status */
return $pst->execute();
/* (7) Creates a new user
* @username<String> The username (must be unique)
* @mail<String> The mail address (must be unique)
* @password<String> The password
* @return id_created<int> UID of the created user
* FALSE on error
public function create(String $username, String $mail, String $password){
/* (1) Check @username + @mail are unique
/* (1) If @username already exists -> abort */
if( is_array($this->getByUsername($username)) )
return false;
/* (2) If @mail already exists -> abort */
if( is_array($this->getByMail($mail)) )
return false;
/* (2) Create the user (without password)
/* (1) Create a random token */
$token = \secure_hash(uniqid(), 'user-token');
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$pst = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO `user`(`id_user`, `username`, `mail`, `pass`, `token`) VALUES(DEFAULT, :username, :mail, NULL, :token)");
/* (3) Bind variables */
$pst->bindParam(':username', $username, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 20);
$pst->bindParam(':mail', $mail, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 50);
$pst->bindParam(':token', $token, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 128);
/* (4) Execute -> if error return FALSE */
if( !$pst->execute() ) return false;
/* (2) Set the password (needed @id_user)
/* (1) Get last inserted id */
$fetch_user = $this->getByUsername($username);
/* (2) If nothing found -> error */
if( !is_array($fetch_user) || !isset($fetch_user['id_user']) || !is_numeric($fetch_user['id_user']) )
return false;
/* (3) Extract @id_user */
$id_user = intval($fetch_user['id_user']);
/* (4) Repo self call */
if( !$this->setPassword($id_user, $password) )
return false;
/* (5) Return @id_user */
return $id_user;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
namespace router\controller;
use \api\core\Request;
use \api\core\Response;
use \api\core\Loader;
class api{
private $request;
private $response;
* @url<String> Calling URI
public function __construct($matches){
/* (1) Rebuild request url */
$uri = $matches['uri'];
/* (2) Creates request */
$this->request = Loader::remote($uri);
public function call(){
/* (1) Process response */
$this->response = $this->request->dispatch();
/* (2) Manages result */
if( $this->response instanceof Response )
echo $this->response->serialize();
return true;
public function __destruct(){

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
namespace router\controller;
class page{
private $pagename;
* @url<String> Calling URI
public function __construct($url){
$this->pagename = $url['page'];
public function load(){
if( file_exists(__PUBLIC__."/view/".$this->pagename.".php") )
include __PUBLIC__."/view/".$this->pagename.".php";
echo "page not found";
public function __destruct(){

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
namespace router\controller;
class redirect{
* @url<String> Calling URI
public function __construct($url){
public function homepage(){
header('Location: /homepage/');
public function __destruct(){

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
namespace router\core;
class ControllerFactory{
* @controller<String> Nom du controller
* @return exists<boolean> Si oui ou non le controller existe
public static function checkController($controller){
/* (1) Check type + pattern */
if( !is_string($controller) || !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]\w+$/', $controller) )
return false;
/* (2) On vérifie que la classe existe */
if( !file_exists(__BUILD__."/router/controller/$controller.php") )
return false;
/* (3) Sinon il existe */
return true;
* @controller<String> Nom du controller
* @arguments<Array> [OPTIONNEL] Arguments à passer au constructeur
* @return instance<Module> Instance du controller en question
public static function getController($controller, $arguments=[]){
/* (1) On vérifie l'existance du controller */
if( !self::checkController($controller) )
return false;
/* (2) On récupère la classe */
$class_name = "\\router\\controller\\$controller";
/* (3) On retourne une instance */
return new $class_name($arguments);

build/router/core/Route.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
* Route *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
use router\core\ControllerFactory;
namespace router\core;
class Route{
/* [1] Attributs
private $pattern;
private $controller;
private $method;
private $matches;
/* [2] Instanciation de la route
* @pattern<String> Pattern correspondant a la route
* @controller<String> Controller de la route
* @method<String> Methode du controller
* @return instance<Route> Retour de l'instance courante
public function __construct($pattern=null, $controller=null, $method=null){
// Note: all arguments must be verified by 'Router->add' method
/* (1) Pattern -> regex format */
$this->pattern = "/^$pattern$/";
/* (2) Controller */
$this->controller = $controller;
/* (3) Controller's method */
$this->method = $method;
/* (4) Initialize matches */
$this->matches = [];
/* [3] Checks if route matches URL
* @url<String> URL
* @return matches<Boolean> If matches URL
public function match($url){
/* (1) If doesn't matches @url -> false */
if( !preg_match($this->pattern, $url, $matches) )
return false;
/* (2) Return only named matches */
foreach($matches as $name=>$match)
if( !is_numeric($name) )
$this->matches[$name] = $match;
/* (4) Add complete URL */
$this->matches['__URL__'] = $url;
/* (5) Return status */
return true;
/* [4] Method call
* @return response<String> Response
public function call(){
/* (1) Instanciate controller */
$instance = ControllerFactory::getController($this->controller, $this->matches);
/* (2) Launch method & catch response */
$response = call_user_func([$instance, $this->method]);
/* (3) Call controller's destructor */
$instance = null;
/* (4) Return response */
return $response;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
* Router *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* https://xdrm.io/ *
use \router\core\ControllerFactory;
namespace router\core;
class Router{
/* [1] Attributes
private $url; // current URL
private $cnf; // parsed configuration
private $http_methods; // allowed HTTP methods
private $routes; // built routes
/* [2] Configuration file
private static function config_path(){ return __CONFIG__.'/routes.json'; }
// Get random token
public static function randBoundary(){ return dechex( random_int((int) 1e10, (int) 1e20) ); }
// Instance getter
public static function launch($url=null){
/* (1) Instanciate the router (propagation) */
$instance = new Router($url);
/* (2) Launches the router */
/* [3] Constructor
* @url<String> Current URL
* @return instance<Router> Instance du routeur
public function __construct($url=null){
/* (1) Checks arguments
/* (1) Default value if incorrect */
$this->url = is_string($url) ? $url : '';
/* (2) Add first '/' if missing */
if( !preg_match('/^\//', $url) )
$this->url = '/'.$this->url;
/* (2) Loads configuration
/* (1) Tries to load configuration */
$this->cnf = self::loadConfig();
/* (2) If error occurs, throw Exception */
if( is_null($this->cnf) )
throw new \Exception("[Router] Configuration file error found");
/* (3) Set allowed HTTP methods
/* (1) If not defined */
if( !isset($this->cnf['methods']) )
throw new \Exception('[Router] Configuration file error, \'methods\' clause missing');
/* (2) Try to clean methods */
$this->http_methods = self::cleanMethods($this->cnf['methods']);
/* (3) Manage error */
if( is_null($this->http_methods) )
throw new \Exception('[Router] Configuration file error. \'methods\' must be an array of HTTP methods ["GET", "POST", ...]');
/* (4) Initialize routes
/* (1) Init routes */
$this->routes = [];
foreach($this->http_methods as $method)
$this->routes[$method] = [];
/* (2) Default configuration if missing */
if( !isset($this->cnf['routes']) || !is_array($this->cnf['routes']) )
$this->cnf['routes'] = [];
/* (5) Loads each route
foreach($this->cnf['routes'] as $pattern=>$route){
/* (1) If missing (required) parameters */
if( !isset($route['controller']) )
/* (2) Default value for 'methods' */
( !isset($route['methods']) || !is_array($route['methods']) ) && ($route['methods'] = $this->http_methods);
/* (3) Default value for 'arguments' */
( !isset($route['arguments']) || !is_array($route['arguments']) ) && ($route['arguments'] = []);
/* (4) Add route */
$added = $this->add($pattern, $route['controller'], $route['arguments']);
// if error -> next
if( $added === false )
/* (5) Add route for each method */
foreach($route['methods'] as $method)
if( in_array($method, $this->http_methods) )
$this->routes[$method][] = $added;
/* [4] Adds a route
* @pattern<String> URL pattern with {somevar} variables within
* @controller<String> Controller name + method "controllername:methodname"
* @arguments<Array> List of pattern's arguments and their RegExp composition (default is alphanumeric)
* @return route<Route> New instance of Route || false on error
public function add($pattern=null, $controller=null, $arguments=[]){
/* (1) Format and check pattern
/* (1) If not a string */
if( !is_string($pattern) )
return false;
/* (2) Format pattern and check result */
$pattern = self::formatPattern($pattern, $arguments);
if( $pattern === false )
return false;
/* (2) Check controller
/* (1) Check default type */
if( !is_string($controller) || !preg_match('/^([A-Za-z_]\w+):([A-Za-z_]\w+)$/', $controller, $c_matches) )
return false;
/* (2) Check existence */
if( !ControllerFactory::checkController($c_matches[1]) )
return false;
/* (3) Check method
if( !method_exists('\\router\\controller\\'.$c_matches[1], $c_matches[2]) )
return false;
/* (4) Return new route
return new Route($pattern, $c_matches[1], $c_matches[2]);
/* [5] Router launch
public function run(){
/* (1) Manage HTTP method
/* (1) Fetch HTTP method */
$httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
/* (2) If no route for this -> exit */
if( !isset($this->routes[$httpMethod]) || count($this->routes[$httpMethod]) <= 0 )
return false;
/* (2) Manage routes (matching)
/* (1) Check for each HTTP method's route */
foreach($this->routes[$httpMethod] as $route)
/* (2) First route that matches -> call & return response */
if( $route->match($this->url) )
return $route->call();
/* (3) If no route found -> return false
return false;
* @pattern<String> Pattern to process on
* @arguments<Array> List of used arguments, with regex if given
* @vars<Boolean> [OPT] If variable replacement have to be done
* @return formatted<String> Formatted pattern || false on error
public static function formatPattern($pattern, $arguments=[]){
/* (1) Check arguments
/* (1) Check minimal length */
if( strlen($pattern) < 1 )
return false;
/* (2) Arguments formatting */
$arguments = !is_array($arguments) ? [] : $arguments;
/* (2) Replace special characters + replace vars
/* (1) Check default URL format */
if( !preg_match('/^(\/[\w\{\}-]*)*\/?$/', $pattern) )
return false;
/* (2) Escape special characters */
$pattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $pattern);
/* (3) Add optional ending '/' */
if( !preg_match('/\/$/', $pattern) )
$pattern .= '\\/?';
/* (4) Replace variable by tagged capturing groups */
$boundary = self::randBoundary();
$pattern = preg_replace('/\{([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\}/i', '(?P<$1>'.$boundary.'-$1-'.$boundary.')', $pattern);
/* (3) Variable replacement
/* (1) List variables */
$vars = [];
$var_pattern = '/'.$boundary.'\-([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\-'.$boundary.'/';
preg_match_all($var_pattern, $pattern, $matches);
/* (2) For each matching variable -> replace with associated regex */
if( is_array($matches) && isset($matches[1]) ){
foreach($matches[1] as $m=>$varname){
// {3.1.1} Not in @arguments -> default regex //
if( !isset($arguments[$varname]) || !is_string($arguments[$varname]) ){
$pattern = str_replace($matches[0][$m], '[A-Za-z0-9_]+', $pattern);
// {3.1.2} If variable in @arguments -> set regex without capturing-groups //
// $without_capg = str_replace('(', '(?:', $arguments[$varname]);
$pattern = str_replace($matches[0][$m], $arguments[$varname], $pattern);
/* (4) Return formatted pattern
return $pattern;
* @return cnf<Array> Configuration content || NULL if error
private static function loadConfig(){
/* (1) Set configuration file's path */
$cnfpath = self::config_path();
/* (2) Checks file */
if( !file_exists($cnfpath) )
return null; // throw new \Exception("[Router] Configuration file not found");
/* (3) Checks format -> null if error */
return json_decode( file_get_contents($cnfpath), true );
* @wanted<Array> List of wanted methods
* @return cleaned<Array> Cleaned methods || null if error
private static function cleanMethods($wanted=[]){
/* (1) Checks @wanted */
if( !is_array($wanted) || count($wanted) < 1 )
return null; // throw new \Exception('[Router] Configuration file error, \'methods\' must be an array containing managed HTTP methods');
/* (2) Set methods (uppercase and unique) */
$cleaned = [];
foreach($wanted as $method)
if( !in_array(strtoupper($method), $cleaned) )
$cleaned[] = strtoupper($method);
/* (3) Return cleaned method list */
return $cleaned;

config/database-driver.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"default": {
"local": {
"host" : "mariadb",
"dbname" : "vhost",
"user" : "php",
"password" : "4JB1dtbrIC8pT935"
"remote": {
"host" : "db_remote_host",
"dbname" : "db_remote_name",
"user" : "db_remote_user",
"password" : "db_remote_password"

config/modules.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
"article": {
"POST": {
"description": "Posts a new article",
"permissions": ["journalist"],
"parameters": {
"title": { "description": "Article's title", "type": "varchar(5,100)" },
"content": { "description": "Article's content", "type": "text" }
"output": {
"created_id": { "description": "Id of the created article", "type": "id" }
"GET": {
"description": "Gets all or a specific article",
"permissions": ["viewer", "journalist"],
"parameters": {
"URL0": { "description": "Article id", "type": "id", "optional": true, "rename": "id_article" }
"output": {
"articles": { "description": "List of selected articles", "type": "array<mixed>" }
"VIEW": {
"description": "Gets a specific article into a json file (download)",
"permissions": ["viewer", "journalist"],
"options": { "download": true },
"parameters": {
"URL0": { "description": "Article id", "type": "id", "rename": "id_article" }
"output": {
"article": { "description": "Selected article as JSON file", "type": "text" }
"PUT": {
"description": "Updates a specific article",
"permissions": ["journalist"],
"parameters": {
"URL0": { "description": "Article id", "type": "id", "rename": "id_article" },
"content": { "description": "Article's content", "type": "text" }
"output": {
"article": { "description": "Returns updated article", "type": "array<mixed>" }
"description": "Deletes a specific article",
"permissions": ["journalist"],
"parameters": {
"URL0": { "description": "Article id", "type": "id", "rename": "id_article" }
"output": {}
"encapsuled": {
"url": {
"with": {
"possible": {
"methods": {
"at": {
"each": {
"level": {
"GET": {
"description": "GET /encapsuled/url/with/possible/methods/at/each/level",
"permissions": [],
"parameters": {}
"POST": {
"description": "POST /encapsuled/url/with/possible/methods/at",
"permissions": [],
"parameters": {}

config/routes.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"methods": [ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS" ],
"routes": {
"/{page}/": {
"methods": ["GET"],
"controller": "page:load",
"arguments": {
"page": "[a-z]+"
"/api/v/1.0/{uri}": {
"methods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"],
"controller": "api:call",
"arguments": {
"uri": ".*"
"/{any}": {
"methods": ["GET"],
"controller": "redirect:homepage",
"arguments": {
"any": ".*"

public_html/index.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?php require_once '../autoloader.php';
use \router\core\Router;
use \database\core\Repo;
use \api\core\Request;
use \api\core\AuthSystemDefault;
use \database\core\DatabaseDriver;
/* (1) Start session */
/* (2) Set default Driver for Repos */
/* (3) Set default AuthSystem */
Request::setAuthSystem(new AuthSystemDefault);
/* (4) launch router */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?php require_once '../../autoloader.php';
echo "home page";