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| nix-amer |

name:        nix-amer
version:     0.1.0
description: Configuration automation tool
author:      xdrm-brackets

Need to automate the setup of your linux server or desktop ? This tool is made for you.


I. Build Format

Your whole setup remains in 1 only build file. Each line contains one instruction, the list of instructions is listed below.

1) package management

These instructions allow you to interact with the package system available on your system.

ins <packages>

Install the listed packages. If more than one, use spaces to separate package names.


Update/upgrade your system.

del <packages>

Remove the listed packages. If more than one, use spaces to separate package names.

3) update configuration files

This instruction allow you to update configuration files without the need of an editor and in a developer-readable manner.

cnf <expr> <content>

Update a configuration file where <expr> is a dot-separated human-readable path expression and <content> is a string or a file. If a string is given, it will override/add the field ; if a file is given the configuration file will be replaced by it.

cnf <expr>

Remove a configuration field matching the <expr> path.

4) service management

These instructions allow you to interact with the service system (cf. systemd).

ser [enable|start|stop|restart|reload] <services>

Perform the action on services. If more than one, use spaces to separate service names.

II. Path Expressions

The syntax is pretty fast-forward, it uses 3 levels to find your configuration line : subject@alt.field.

Field Description Example
subject The name of the program to configure sshd, httpd, nginx
alt Alternative file if there is more than one for a package. If omitted it will default to the main configuration file. httpd@main, http@ports
field Field is a dot-separated chain of strings that match with a configuration field. If ommited, the <value> will just be added at the end of the configuration file. In the same way if the field does not point to a raw field but a parent or group containing fields, the <value> will be added at the end. sshd.AllowGroups, nginx.http.gzip