
133 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File

namespace error\core;
class Error{
const Success = 0;
/* Parsage json */
const ParsingFailed = 1;
/* ResourceDispatcher */
// Drapeaux invalides
const InvalidFlags = 2;
// Fichier inexistant
const UnreachableResource = 3;
/* ModuleRequest */
// Le @path n'est pas renseigne
const MissingPath = 4;
// Verification de la coherence du chemin (existe dans la conf)
const WrongPathModule = 5;
// Module non specifie dans la conf
const UnknownModule = 6;
// Methode non specifie pour ce Module dans la conf
const UnknownMethod = 7;
// Methode inamorcable
const UncallableMethod = 8;
// Erreur de parametre(s)
const ParamError = 9;
// Erreur dans le traitement
const ModuleError = 10;
/* Repo */
// Verification de la coherence du chemin (existe dans la conf)
const WrongPathRepo = 11;
// Module non specifie dans la conf
const UnknownRepo = 12;
// Erreur dans le traitement
const RepoError = 13;
/* Database */
// Erreur lors de la creation d'un objet PDO (connection)
const PDOConnection = 14;
/* API token */
// Token inexistant ou faux
const TokenError = 15;
const PermissionError = 16;
/* Erreur d'UPLOAD */
const UploadError = 17;
// Mauvais format de fichier
const FormatError = 18;
/* Cyclic Hash Error */
// Expired
const CyclicHashExpired = 19;
/* Erreur au niveau javascript */
//const JavascriptError = 19; // -> géré en js
* @error<Integer> Code d'erreur
* @return explicit<String> Description explicite du code d'erreur
public static function explicit($error){
case self::Success: return "All right man!"; break;
case self::ParsingFailed: return "Parsing failed (json, xml, etc). Check your format."; break;
case self::InvalidFlags: return "You sent invalid flags."; break;
case self::UnreachableResource: return "Resource unreachable."; break;
case self::MissingPath: return "The @path is missing"; break;
case self::WrongPathModule: return "Invalid @path ('moduleName/methodName')."; break;
case self::WrongPathRepo: return "Invalid @path ('repoName/methodName')."; break;
case self::UnknownModule: return "Module not found."; break;
case self::UnknownRepo: return "Repository not found."; break;
case self::UnknownMethod: return "The method doesn't exist."; break;
case self::UncallableMethod: return "The method can't be called."; break;
case self::ParamError: return "Missing or wrong arguments."; break;
case self::ModuleError: return "Module error."; break;
case self::RepoError: return "Repository error."; break;
case self::PDOConnection: return "Database connection failed."; break;
case self::TokenError: return "Missing or wrong token."; break;
case self::PermissionError: return "Permission denied."; break;
case self::UploadError: return "Upload error"; break;
case self::FormatError: return "Format error."; break;
case self::CyclicHashExpired: return "Cyclic hash has to be renewed."; break;
default: return "Unknown Error..."; break;
// Erreur inconnue
return null;
public static function setHttpCode($error){
http_response_code( $error == self::Success ? 200 : 417 );