// USE CASE //
// {xx} - where 'xx' is a variable name which will be (literally) replaced by the $xx given parameter (if missing, by an empty string)
// note that the parameter in a higher level have to be preceeded by '$'
// /!\ warning: the variable name must only contain [ lowercase_letters, hyphens ]
// {{zz}} - where 'zz' is an array variable name which will be (for each item) replaced by the $$zz given array (see next statement)
// note that the parameter in a higher level have to be preceeded by '$$'
// {zz.xx} - where 'zz' is an array name + 'xx' is an index name of this array's items, it will be replaced by zz[0][xx], then zz[1][xx], etc
// note that this is the only case when the dot (.) is allowed in variable naming
// {__attributes__} - default variable name for the attributes
// {__children__} - default variable name for the children
// /^yy$/ - where '^yy$' is a regular expression, matches will be added to the input parameters named like so : '$1', '$2'
// note that it have to match the whole string and begin with '/^' and end with '$/'
// @node - is a "key" of a definition that describes an element
// @html - overrides all to specify the html content corresponding of the element
// @children - the set of the element's children (doesn't check if it is a container or not)
// @data - parameters to pass to a lower level
// @attributes - attributes are replaced in a lower level
// @listeners - contient les associations 'eventName' => 'listenerFuncName'
// $xxx - where 'xxx' is a variable name that will be replaced in a lower level
// $$zzz - where 'zzz' is an array variable name that will be split in a lower level
var default_definition = {
'input': { html: '' },
'h/^([1-6])$/': { html: '{__children__}' },
'br': { html: ' ' },
'option': { html: '' },
'select': { html: '' },
'span': { html: '{__children__}' }
var custom_definition = {
'input:/^([a-z]+)$/': {
node: 'input',
attributes: {
'type': '{$1}',
'data-name': '{name}',
'value': '{value}',
'placeholder': '{placeholder}' },
next_child: { node: 'br' } },
'custom-select': {
node: 'span',
attributes: { 'class': 'select-container nobold' },
children: {
node: 'select',
attributes: { 'data-name': '{name}' },
children: {
node: 'option',
attribute: { value: '{options.value}' },
children: { html: '{options.value}' } } },
next_child: { node: 'br' } },
var form = {
node: 'h4',
attributes: { 'data-icon': 'o', 'class': 'new-contact color2' },
children: [
{ node: 'input:hidden', $name: 'uid', $value: '{uid}' },
{ node: 'input:hidden', $name: 'call', $value: '{call}' },
{ node: 'input:hidden', $name: 'sms', $value: '{sms}' },
{ node: 'input:hidden', $name: 'countcall', $value: '{countcall}' },
{ node: 'input:hidden', $name: 'countsms', $value: '{countsms}' },
{ node: 'input:text', $name: 'number', $value: '{number}' },
{ node: 'custom-select', $name: 'number', $$options: '{{options}}' }
// \n+