var $hilighted, $hilightedMenuItem, optionDictionary = {}, names = [], buildApiOffline, initOffline, offline = {}, API = {}, buildPage; function loadScript(url, callback) { // var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (script.readyState){ //IE script.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete"){ script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { //Others script.onload = function() { callback(); }; } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } function toDot (id){ return id.replace(/[-]+/g,'.'); }; function escapeHTML(html) { if (typeof html === 'string') { html = html .replace('\u25CF', '\\u25CF') .replace(//g, '>'); } return html; } function escapeSelector (name) { return name.replace('<', '\\<').replace('>', '\\>'); } function activateInternalLinks($parent) { $('a[href^="#"]', $parent).each(function (i, anchor) { $(anchor).click(function () { gotoSection(anchor.href.split('#')[1], true); return false; }); }); } /** * Highligth a specific option by coloring it in the menu view and section view */ function hilight (id) { var linkId, $el, $detailsWrap = $('#details-wrap'); $el = $('div.member#' + escapeSelector(id)); // clear old if ($hilighted) { $hilighted.removeClass('hilighted'); } if ($hilightedMenuItem) { $hilightedMenuItem.removeClass('hilighted'); } if ($el.length === 0) { $detailsWrap.scrollTop(0); } else { // hilight new $hilighted = $el; $hilighted.addClass('hilighted'); $detailsWrap.scrollTop($hilighted.offset().top + $detailsWrap.scrollTop() - 160); } linkId = id.replace(/[^a-z0-9<>\\]+/gi,'.'); $hilightedMenuItem = $('a[href="#'+ linkId +'"]').not('.plus'); $hilightedMenuItem.addClass('hilighted'); } /** * Expand and load children when necessary of current level */ function toggleExpand($elem, callback) { var $_menu = $elem.find('div[id$="-menu"]').first(), _id = $_menu.attr('id').replace("-menu",""), displayChildrenCallback = function () { $('.dots', $elem).removeClass('loading'); $elem.removeClass("collapsed"); $elem.addClass("expanded"); $_menu.slideDown(); // show relevant section if (/[A-Z]/.test(_id[0])) { _id = 'object-' + _id; } toggleSection(_id); if (callback) { callback(); } }; if ($elem.hasClass('collapsed')) { /* if not loaded, load children, standard we have three children */ if ($_menu.children().size() == 1) { $('.dots', $elem).addClass('loading'); loadChildren(_id, false, displayChildrenCallback); } else { displayChildrenCallback(); } } else { // hide children $_menu.slideUp('normal',function(){ $elem.removeClass("expanded"); $elem.addClass("collapsed"); }); } }; function toggleSection(sectionId) { $section = $("#details > div.section:visible"); // hide current section if($section){ $section.hide(); } if (/[^\\]', '\\>'); } $('#details > div.section#' + sectionId).show(); } function addSectionOption(val){ $section = $('').appendTo('#details'); $('

' + val.fullname.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') + '

' + (val.description ? '
' + val.description + '
': '') + (val.demo ? '

Try it:

' + val.demo + '
': '' )).appendTo($section); activateInternalLinks($section); $(document).triggerHandler({ type:"xtra.btn.section.event",id: optionDictionary[val.fullname], table: 'option' }); } function addSectionObject(val){ $section = $('').appendTo('#details'); $('

' + val.title + '

').appendTo($section); $('
' + val.description + '
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') > -1 ? '' : ' context'; $memberDiv = $('

' + obj.title + '' + (obj.returnType ? ': ' + markupReturnType(obj.returnType) + '' : '') + (obj.deprecated ? '


' : '' ) + (obj.since ? '
Since ' + obj.since + '
' : '' ) + (obj.description ? '
' + obj.description + (obj.defaults ? ' Defaults to ' + escapeHTML(obj.defaults) + '.' : '') + '
' : '') + (obj.context ? '
The this keyword refers to the '+ markupReturnType(obj.context) +' object.
' : '') + (obj.demo ? '

Try it:

' + obj.demo + '
': '' ) + (obj.seeAlso ? '
See also: ' + obj.seeAlso + '
': '' ) + '
').appendTo($_section); activateInternalLinks($memberDiv); if (isParent) { $('div#' + escapeSelector( + '.member span.title').html(function() { var title = $.trim($(this).text()); return $('' + title + '').click(function(){ gotoSection(obj.fullname, true); }); }); } } function loadObjectMemberInSection(obj) { $memberDiv = $('
' + '' + obj.title + ' ' + (obj.params ? '' + obj.params + '' : '') + (obj.since ? '
Since ' + obj.since + '
' : '' ) + (obj.deprecated ? '


' : '' ) + '

' + obj.description + '

' + (obj.paramsDescription ? '


' : '') + (obj.returnType ? '


' : '') + '
' + (obj.demo ? '

Try it:

' + obj.demo + '
': '' ) + '
').appendTo('div#object-' + obj.parent + '.section'); activateInternalLinks($memberDiv); } function loadChildren(name, silent, callback) { var isObject = /[A-Z]/.test(name[0]), url = isObject ? 'object/'+ PRODUCTNAME + '-obj/child/' + name : 'option/'+ PRODUCTNAME + '/child/' + name; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json", error: function () { var $menu; $menu = $('div#' + escapeSelector(name) + '-menu'); $('.dots', $menu.parent()).removeClass('loading').addClass('error').html('Error'); }, success: function (data) { var display = 'block', display, $menu, $menuItem; if (silent){ display = 'none'; } name = name.replace('<', '\\<').replace('>', '\\>'); $menu = $('div#' + name + '-menu'); $.each(data, function (key, val) { var $div = $('
').appendTo($menu), $plus, $menuLink, parts, tie, dottedName, internalName, name, title, defaults, cls; /*if (val.type === 'method') { name ='--', '.') + '()'; } else if (val.type === 'property') { name ='--', '.'); } else { name = val.fullname; }*/ name = val.fullname; if (val.isParent) { var preBracket = '{', postBracket = '}'; if (val.returnType && val.returnType.indexOf('Array') === 0 ) { preBracket = '[{'; postBracket = '}]'; } $menuItem = $(''); $menuLink = $('' + val.title + '').appendTo($menuItem); ${ gotoSection(val.fullname, true); }); $plus = $('').appendTo($menuItem); $ () { toggleExpand($plus.parent()); }); $menuItem.append(': '+ preBracket +''); // add empty submenu $subMenu = $('