
334 lines
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* Router *
* 08-12-2016 *
* Designed & Developed by *
* xdrm-brackets *
* *
use \router\core\ControllerFactory;
namespace router\core;
class Router{
/* [1] Attributes
private $url; // current URL
private $cnf; // parsed configuration
private $http_methods; // allowed HTTP methods
private $routes; // built routes
/* [2] Configuration file
private static function config_path(){ return __CONFIG__.'/routes.json'; }
// Get random token
public static function randBoundary(){ return dechex( random_int((int) 1e10, (int) 1e20) ); }
// Instance getter
public static function launch($url=null){
/* (1) Instanciate the router (propagation) */
$instance = new Router($url);
/* (2) Launches the router */
/* [3] Constructor
* @url<String> Current URL
* @return instance<Router> Instance du routeur
public function __construct($url=null){
/* (1) Checks arguments
/* (1) Default value if incorrect */
$this->url = is_string($url) ? $url : '';
/* (2) Add first '/' if missing */
if( !preg_match('/^\//', $url) )
$this->url = '/'.$this->url;
/* (2) Loads configuration
/* (1) Tries to load configuration */
$this->cnf = self::loadConfig();
/* (2) If error occurs, throw Exception */
if( is_null($this->cnf) )
throw new \Exception("[Router] Configuration file error found");
/* (3) Set allowed HTTP methods
/* (1) If not defined */
if( !isset($this->cnf['methods']) )
throw new \Exception('[Router] Configuration file error, \'methods\' clause missing');
/* (2) Try to clean methods */
$this->http_methods = self::cleanMethods($this->cnf['methods']);
/* (3) Manage error */
if( is_null($this->http_methods) )
throw new \Exception('[Router] Configuration file error. \'methods\' must be an array of HTTP methods ["GET", "POST", ...]');
/* (4) Initialize routes
/* (1) Init routes */
$this->routes = [];
foreach($this->http_methods as $method)
$this->routes[$method] = [];
/* (2) Default configuration if missing */
if( !isset($this->cnf['routes']) || !is_array($this->cnf['routes']) )
$this->cnf['routes'] = [];
/* (5) Loads each route
foreach($this->cnf['routes'] as $pattern=>$route){
/* (1) If missing (required) parameters */
if( !isset($route['controller']) )
/* (2) Default value for 'methods' */
( !isset($route['methods']) || !is_array($route['methods']) ) && ($route['methods'] = $this->http_methods);
/* (3) Default value for 'arguments' */
( !isset($route['arguments']) || !is_array($route['arguments']) ) && ($route['arguments'] = []);
/* (4) Add route */
$added = $this->add($pattern, $route['controller'], $route['arguments']);
// if error -> next
if( $added === false )
/* (5) Add route for each method */
foreach($route['methods'] as $method)
if( in_array($method, $this->http_methods) )
$this->routes[$method][] = $added;
/* [4] Adds a route
* @pattern<String> URL pattern with {somevar} variables within
* @controller<String> Controller name + method "controllername:methodname"
* @arguments<Array> List of pattern's arguments and their RegExp composition (default is alphanumeric)
* @return route<Route> New instance of Route || false on error
public function add($pattern=null, $controller=null, $arguments=[]){
/* (1) Format and check pattern
/* (1) If not a string */
if( !is_string($pattern) )
return false;
/* (2) Format pattern and check result */
$pattern = self::formatPattern($pattern, $arguments);
if( $pattern === false )
return false;
/* (2) Check controller
/* (1) Check default type */
if( !is_string($controller) || !preg_match('/^([A-Za-z_]\w+):([A-Za-z_]\w+)$/', $controller, $c_matches) )
return false;
/* (2) Check existence */
if( !ControllerFactory::checkController($c_matches[1]) )
return false;
/* (3) Check method
if( !method_exists('\\router\\controller\\'.$c_matches[1], $c_matches[2]) )
return false;
/* (4) Return new route
return new Route($pattern, $c_matches[1], $c_matches[2]);
/* [5] Router launch
public function run(){
/* (1) Manage HTTP method
/* (1) Fetch HTTP method */
$httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
/* (2) If no route for this -> exit */
if( !isset($this->routes[$httpMethod]) || count($this->routes[$httpMethod]) <= 0 )
return false;
/* (2) Manage routes (matching)
/* (1) Check for each HTTP method's route */
foreach($this->routes[$httpMethod] as $route)
/* (2) First route that matches -> call & return response */
if( $route->match($this->url) )
return $route->call();
/* (3) If no route found -> return false
return false;
* @pattern<String> Pattern to process on
* @arguments<Array> List of used arguments, with regex if given
* @vars<Boolean> [OPT] If variable replacement have to be done
* @return formatted<String> Formatted pattern || false on error
public static function formatPattern($pattern, $arguments=[]){
/* (1) Check arguments
/* (1) Check minimal length */
if( strlen($pattern) < 1 )
return false;
/* (2) Arguments formatting */
$arguments = !is_array($arguments) ? [] : $arguments;
/* (2) Replace special characters + replace vars
/* (1) Check default URL format */
if( !preg_match('/^(\/[\w\{\}-]*)*\/?$/', $pattern) )
return false;
/* (2) Escape special characters */
$pattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $pattern);
/* (3) Add optional ending '/' */
if( !preg_match('/\/$/', $pattern) )
$pattern .= '\\/?';
/* (4) Replace variable by tagged capturing groups */
$boundary = self::randBoundary();
$pattern = preg_replace('/\{([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\}/i', '(?P<$1>'.$boundary.'-$1-'.$boundary.')', $pattern);
/* (3) Variable replacement
/* (1) List variables */
$vars = [];
$var_pattern = '/'.$boundary.'\-([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\-'.$boundary.'/';
preg_match_all($var_pattern, $pattern, $matches);
/* (2) For each matching variable -> replace with associated regex */
if( is_array($matches) && isset($matches[1]) ){
foreach($matches[1] as $m=>$varname){
// {3.1.1} Not in @arguments -> default regex //
if( !isset($arguments[$varname]) || !is_string($arguments[$varname]) ){
$pattern = str_replace($matches[0][$m], '[A-Za-z0-9_]+', $pattern);
// {3.1.2} If variable in @arguments -> set regex without capturing-groups //
// $without_capg = str_replace('(', '(?:', $arguments[$varname]);
$pattern = str_replace($matches[0][$m], $arguments[$varname], $pattern);
/* (4) Return formatted pattern
return $pattern;
* @return cnf<Array> Configuration content || NULL if error
private static function loadConfig(){
/* (1) Set configuration file's path */
$cnfpath = self::config_path();
/* (2) Checks file */
if( !file_exists($cnfpath) )
return null; // throw new \Exception("[Router] Configuration file not found");
/* (3) Checks format -> null if error */
return json_decode( file_get_contents($cnfpath), true );
* @wanted<Array> List of wanted methods
* @return cleaned<Array> Cleaned methods || null if error
private static function cleanMethods($wanted=[]){
/* (1) Checks @wanted */
if( !is_array($wanted) || count($wanted) < 1 )
return null; // throw new \Exception('[Router] Configuration file error, \'methods\' must be an array containing managed HTTP methods');
/* (2) Set methods (uppercase and unique) */
$cleaned = [];
foreach($wanted as $method)
if( !in_array(strtoupper($method), $cleaned) )
$cleaned[] = strtoupper($method);
/* (3) Return cleaned method list */
return $cleaned;