
213 lines
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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: lucas
* Date: 27/02/18
* Time: 16:19
namespace api\module;
use database\core\Repo;
use database\repo\professor;
use error\core\Error;
use error\core\Err;
class professorController{
private static function proccess_vh(array &$vh_prof){
/* (1) If not in category 1 nor 3 -> equivalentTD = TD + 2/3.TP + 1.5.COURS */
if( !in_array($vh_prof['idCat'], [1,3]) )
return $vh_prof['equiTD'] = $vh_prof['VHTd'] + (2/3)*$vh_prof['VHTp'] + 1.5*$vh_prof['VHCours'];
// exited because of 'return' statement
/* (2) Else (cat = 1 or 3) -> equivalentTD = TD + TP + 1.5.COURS */
$vh_prof['equiTD'] = $vh_prof['VHTd'] + $vh_prof['VHTp'] + 1.5*$vh_prof['VHCours'];
/* (3) If equivalentTD exceeds HeuresDues */
if($vh_prof['equiTD'] > $vh_prof['du']){
/* (3.1) @valTP = HeuresDues.(TP / equivalentTD) */
$valTP = $vh_prof['du'] * ( $vh_prof['VHTp'] / $vh_prof['equiTD'] );
/* (3.2) equivalentTD = 1.5*COURS + TD + @valTP + (TP-@valTP) */
$vh_prof['equiTD'] = round(1.5*$vh_prof['VHCours'] + $vh_prof['VHTd'] + $valTP + ($vh_prof['VHTp'] - $valTP)*(2/3), 2);
/* (4) VH comp */
$vh_prof['VHComp'] = round($vh_prof['equiTD'] - $vh_prof['du'], 2);
$vh_prof['VHComp'] = ( $vh_prof['VHComp'] < 0 ) ? 0 : $vh_prof['VHComp'];
/* (1) Returns 1 or all professors
* @prof_id<int> [OPT] The professor UID
* @return professors<array> The professor(s) data
public static function get($args){
$prof_id = null;
$with_vh = '';
/* Get the professor repo */
/** @var professor $prof_repo */
$prof_repo = Repo::getRepo('professor');
/* (1) If with VH data
if( is_string($with_vh) && $with_vh == '1' ){
/* (1) Get All professors or 1 by its id (if set) */
$fetched = $prof_repo->getWithVH($prof_id);
/* (2) Process VH */
foreach($fetched as &$vh_prof)
/* (3) Return data */
return ['professors' => $fetched];
/* (2) If without VH data (only Professor.*)
/* (1) Get All professors or 1 by its id (if set) */
$fetched = $prof_repo->get($prof_id);
/* (3) Return data */
return ['professors' => $fetched];
/* (2) Creates a new professor
* @lastName<String> The professor's lastName
* @firstName<String> The professor's firstName
* @category<int> The professor's category ID
* @hoursToDo<int> The professor's number of hours to do
* @initials<int> The professor's initials
* @isAdmin<bool> Whether the professor is an admin
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
* @return prof_id<int> The created professor UID (if no error)
public static function post($args){
$lastName = "";
$firstName = "";
$category = 0;
$hoursToDo = 0;
$initials = "";
$isAdmin = false;
$casLogin = null;
/* Get the professor repo */
/** @var professor $prof_repo */
$prof_repo = Repo::getRepo('professor');
/* (1) Check if professor already exists */
$exists = $prof_repo->exists($lastName, $firstName);
/* (2) If found -> already exists */
if( !is_null($exists) )
return ['error' => new Error(Err::AlreadyExists)];
/* (3) Else try to create */
$repo_rtn = $prof_repo->create(
is_null($casLogin) ? "" : $casLogin
/* (4) If repo error -> return it */
if( is_null($repo_rtn) )
return ['error' => new Error(Err::RepoError)];
/* (5) Else return UID */
return ['created_uid' => $repo_rtn];
/* (3) Deletes an existing professor
* @prof_id<int> The professor UID
* @return deleted<bool> Whether it has been removed
public static function delete($args){
$prof_id = 0;
/* Get the professor repo */
/** @var professor $prof_repo */
$prof_repo = Repo::getRepo('professor');
/* (1) Try to delete */
return ['deleted' => $prof_repo->delete($prof_id)];
/* (4) Edits an existing professor
* @prof_id<int> The professor UID
* @lastName<String> [OPT] The professor's lastName
* @firstName<String> [OPT] The professor's firstName
* @category<int> [OPT] The professor's category ID
* @hoursToDo<int> [OPT] The professor's number of hours to do
* @initials<int> [OPT] The professor's initials
* @isAdmin<bool> [OPT] Whether the professor is an admin
* @casLogin<String> [OPT] The professor's CAS username
* @return updated<bool> Whether it has been updated
public static function put($args){
$prof_id = 0;
$lastName = null;
$firstName = null;
$category = null;
$hoursToDo = null;
$initials = null;
$isAdmin = null;
$casLogin = null;
/* Get the professor repo */
/** @var professor $prof_repo */
$prof_repo = Repo::getRepo('professor');
/* (1) Try to update */
return ['updated' => $prof_repo->update(