Project's name * @step [OPT] Step to run * */ public function get($args){ extract($args); /* (1) Load projects' configuration ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* (1) Fetch file */ $fc = file_get_contents(__CONFIG__.'/projects.json'); if( !$fc ) return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::UnreachableResource) ]; /* (2) Checks json format */ $js = json_decode( $fc, true ); if( !$js ) return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::ParsingFailed) ]; /* (2) Checks @project argument and files ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* (1) Checks @project */ if( !isset($js[$project]) ) return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::UnreachableResource) ]; /* (2) Checks @project's folder */ if( !is_dir($js[$project]['dir']) ) return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::UnreachableResource) ]; /* (3) Checks @git directory */ if( !is_dir($js[$project]['dir']) ) return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::UnreachableResource) ]; /* (3) Launch script ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* (1) 'cd' to project dir */ chdir($js[$project]['dir']); /* (2) If given step, only do this one */ if( !is_null($step) ){ /* (2.1) If step does not exist */ if( !isset($js[$project]['cmd'][$step]) ) return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::ModuleError, 'step out of bounds') ]; /* (2.2) Execute step */ exec($js[$project]['cmd'][$step], $stdout); /* (2.3) Dispatch output */ return [ 'stdout' => [ $js[$project]['cmd'][$step] => $stdout ] ]; } /* (3) Execute each step one by one */ $stdout = []; foreach($js[$project]['cmd'] as $step=>$cmd){ /* (3.1) Pre-create stdout */ $stdout[$cmd] = ''; /* (3.2) Execute step */ exec($cmd, $stdout[$cmd]); } /* (4) Dispatch stdout */ return [ 'stdout' => $stdout ]; } }