setReadDataOnly(true); $spreadsheet = $reader->load($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]); $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $UESpreadsheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); /* * Setting Up state variables */ //current formation $formation = ""; //current UE code $UECode = ""; //current UE $UE = []; //array containing all the UEs $allUE = []; //array containing all the formations $allFormations = []; //can the current UE have a default formation $isDefaultFormationPossible = false; /* * declare the lambda that will add finalized UE to the array */ $addEU = function() use (&$UECode,&$allUE,&$UE){ //determine if UE is disabled (if cours+td+tp = 0) $totalVH = 0; foreach ($UE["groups"] as $groups){ foreach ($groups as $group){ $totalVH += $group["VH"]; } } $UE["disabled"] = $totalVH == 0; if($UECode != ""){ if(isset($allUE[$UECode])){ $counter = 1; while(isset($allUE[$UECode.$counter])) $counter++; $allUE[$UECode.$counter] = $UE; }else{ $allUE[$UECode] = $UE; } $UE = []; } }; /* * declaring the lambda tha twill extract the list of formation involved in the group */ $getFormations = function(?string $group) use (&$formation,&$allFormations) : array{ $group = trim($group); if($group == ""){ if(!isset($allFormations[$formation])){ $allFormations[$formation] = [ "name" => $formation, "internal" => strpos($formation,"Info") !== false ? true : false ]; } return [$formation]; } //replace the generic "INFO" keyword by the actual formation $group = str_replace("INFO",$formation,$group); //split the string $groups = explode("+",$group); //trim the strings $groups = array_map('trim', $groups); //delete empty strings $groups = array_filter($groups); foreach ($groups as $group){ if(!isset($allFormations[$group])){ $allFormations[$group] = [ "name" => $group, "internal" => strpos(strtolower($group),"info") !== false ? true : false ]; } } return $groups; }; /* * declaring the lambda that will compute the part of internal students in the course (used for stats purpose) */ $getInternalStudentPart = function(?string $group) use (&$formation, $getFormations) : float{ if(!$group) return 1.0; $groups = $getFormations($group); if(!in_array($formation,$groups)){ return 0.0; }else{ return 1/count($groups); } }; $exitWithNullException = function(){ exit(json_encode(["error" => true, "message" => "NullCellException"])); }; //starting the iteration foreach($UESpreadsheet->getRowIterator() as $row){ //skip the first rows if($row->getRowIndex() < self::startLineUE) continue; $firstCellValue = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(1,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(); $secondCellValue = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(); //if the first value is not null and the second is, this means we change formation and rest the UUCode if($secondCellValue == "" and $firstCellValue != "") {$formation = $firstCellValue; $addEU(); $UECode = ""; continue; } //if no UE is set yet, find it if($UECode == "" and $firstCellValue != "") $UECode = $firstCellValue; //if the line is empty this means we change UE if($firstCellValue == "" and $secondCellValue == "") {$addEU(); $UECode = ""; continue;} //now we have a formation, a UE and we are sure the line is not empty, let's fill up this bad boy //if the required field is not set this means we are at the header of the UE if(!isset($UE["required"])){ $UE["name"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue(); $UE["required"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(3,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(); $UE["TotalVH"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(4,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue(); $UE["CourseVH"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(5,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0.0; $UE["CourseGroup"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(6,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0; $UE["TdVH"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(8,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0.0; $UE["TdGroup"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(9,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0; $UE["TpVH"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(11,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0.0; $UE["TpGroup"] = ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(12,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0; $UE["defaultFormation"] = null; $isDefaultFormationPossible = true; continue; } //we have a new group! if the array is not set, initialize it if(!isset($UE["groups"])) $UE["groups"] = [ "Course" => [], "TD" => [], "TP" => [] ]; //compute Course if (is_numeric(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(5,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue())){ $group = [ "VH" => ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(5,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue(), "internalStudentPart" => $getInternalStudentPart(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(6,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue()), "formations" => $getFormations(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(6,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue()), "professor" => ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(7,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: null ]; if(count($group["formations"]) == 1 and $isDefaultFormationPossible and ($UE["defaultFormation"] == null or $UE["defaultFormation"] == $group["formations"][0])){ $UE["defaultFormation"] = $group["formations"][0]; }else{ $UE["defaultFormation"] = null; $isDefaultFormationPossible = false; } $UE["groups"]["Course"][] = $group; } //compute TDs if(is_numeric(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(8,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue())){ $group = [ "VH" => ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(8,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue(), "internalStudentPart" => $getInternalStudentPart(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(9,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue()), "formations" => $getFormations(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(9,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue()), "professor" => ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(10,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: null ]; if(count($group["formations"]) == 1 and $isDefaultFormationPossible and ($UE["defaultFormation"] == null or $UE["defaultFormation"] == $group["formations"][0])){ $UE["defaultFormation"] = $group["formations"][0]; }else{ $UE["defaultFormation"] = null; $isDefaultFormationPossible = false; } $UE["groups"]["TD"][] = $group; } //compute TPs if(is_numeric(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(11,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue())){ $group = [ "VH" => ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(11,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue(), "internalStudentPart" => $getInternalStudentPart(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(12,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue()), "formations" => $getFormations(($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(12,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getCalculatedValue()), "professor" => ($UESpreadsheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(13,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: null ]; if(count($group["formations"]) == 1 and $isDefaultFormationPossible and ($UE["defaultFormation"] == null or $UE["defaultFormation"] == $group["formations"][0])){ $UE["defaultFormation"] = $group["formations"][0]; }else{ $UE["defaultFormation"] = null; $isDefaultFormationPossible = false; } $UE["groups"]["TP"][] = $group; } } /* * Now we compute the professor list to get the full name , the number of hour he must do and the category he is in */ $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(1); $ProfSpreadshit = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); //array containing all the professors $allProf = []; //current professor category $currentCategory = ""; //category as represented in the excel (as a number) $currentCategoryIndex = 0; foreach($ProfSpreadshit->getRowIterator() as $row){ //skip the first lines if($row->getRowIndex() < self::startLineProf) continue; $firstCellValue = ($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(2,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(); $secondCellValue = ($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(3,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(); //skip empty lines if(!$firstCellValue and !$secondCellValue) continue; //if the first cell contains something and not the second, it means that we change category if($firstCellValue && !$secondCellValue){ $currentCategory = $firstCellValue; $currentCategoryIndex++; } //if the line is valid if(($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(3,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() and ($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(4,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue()){ $allProf[($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(3,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue()] = [ "categoryLabel" => $currentCategory, "categoryIndex" => $currentCategoryIndex, "lastName" => explode(" ",($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(4,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(),2)[1], "firstName" => explode(" ",($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(4,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue(),2)[0], "hoursToDo" => ($ProfSpreadshit->getCellByColumnAndRow(5,$row->getRowIndex()) ?? $exitWithNullException())->getValue() ?: 0 ]; } } /* * adding data to the database */ //professors /** @var professor $profRepo */ $profRepo = Repo::getRepo("professor"); /** @var category $catRepo */ $catRepo = Repo::getRepo("category"); foreach ($allProf as $initials => &$prof){ //create or update the professor category $catRepo->create($prof["categoryIndex"], $prof["categoryLabel"]); //create the professor, as some names are missing, we replace them by something else if(!$prof["lastName"]) $prof["lastName"] = "missingLastName"; if(!$prof["firstName"]) $prof["firstName"] = "missingFirstName"; $prof["dbId"] = $profRepo->exists($prof["lastName"], $prof["firstName"]); if(!$prof["dbId"]){ $prof["dbId"] = $profRepo->create( $prof["lastName"], $prof["firstName"], $prof["categoryIndex"], $prof["hoursToDo"], $initials); } } //formation and retreive the databse IDs /** @var \database\repo\formation $formRepo */ $formRepo = Repo::getRepo("formation"); foreach ($allFormations as &$form){ $form["dbId"] = $formRepo->exists( $form["name"]); if(!$form["dbId"]){ $form["dbId"] = $formRepo->create( $form["name"], $form["internal"]); } } //UEs and corresponding groups /** @var ue $ueRepo */ $ueRepo = Repo::getRepo("ue"); /** @var cours $coursRepo */ $coursRepo = Repo::getRepo("cours"); /** @var td $tdRepo */ $tdRepo = Repo::getRepo("td"); /** @var tp $tpRepo */ $tpRepo = Repo::getRepo("tp"); $CoursToLink = []; $TDToLink = []; $TPToLink = []; foreach ($allUE as $codeUE => $UE){ if($UE["defaultFormation"]){ $UE["defaultFormationId"] = $allFormations[$UE["defaultFormation"]]["dbId"]; }else{ $UE["defaultFormationId"] = null; } $ueRepo->create($codeUE, $UE["name"], $UE["required"] == "OBL", $UE["CourseVH"], $UE["TdVH"], $UE["TpVH"], $UE["disabled"], $UE["defaultFormationId"] ); if(isset($UE["groups"])){ foreach ($UE["groups"] as $type => $groups){ foreach ($groups as $group){ $formations = []; foreach ($group["formations"] as $format){ if(isset($allFormations[$format]["dbId"])){ $formations[] = $allFormations[$format]["dbId"]; } } switch ($type){ case "Course": $CoursToLink[] = ["id" => $coursRepo->create( $codeUE, $allProf[$group["professor"]]["dbId"], $UE["disabled"] ? $UE["CourseVH"] : $group["VH"], []), "form" => $formations]; break; case "TD": $TDToLink[] = ["id" => $tdRepo->create($codeUE, $allProf[$group["professor"]]["dbId"], $UE["disabled"] ? $UE["TdVH"] : $group["VH"], []), "form" => $formations]; break; case "TP": $TPToLink[] = ["id" => $tpRepo->create($codeUE, $allProf[$group["professor"]]["dbId"], $UE["disabled"] ? $UE["TpVH"] : $group["VH"], []), "form" => $formations]; break; } } } } } Repo::enableStacking(); foreach ($CoursToLink as $cour){ foreach ($cour["form"] as $formation){ $coursRepo->linkFormation($formation,$cour["id"]); } } foreach ($TDToLink as $cour){ foreach ($cour["form"] as $formation){ $tdRepo->linkFormation($formation,$cour["id"]); } } foreach ($TPToLink as $cour){ foreach ($cour["form"] as $formation){ $tpRepo->linkFormation($formation,$cour["id"]); } } Repo::flushStack(); return [ 'data' => ["professors" => $allProf, "formations" => $allFormations, "UEs" => $allUE ] ]; }catch (Exception $e){ return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::UnknownError) ]; } }else{ return [ 'error' => new Error(Err::UploadError) ]; } } }