[repo.professor] get (gets by id if given, else getAll) | getWithVH (same as 'get' but with VH data)

This commit is contained in:
xdrm-brackets 2018-03-04 11:58:19 +01:00
parent e83b20e9ff
commit 587884d437
3 changed files with 118 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,33 @@ use error\core\Err;
class professorController{
private static function proccess_vh(array &$vh_prof){
/* (1) If not in category 1 nor 3 -> equivalentTD = TD + 2/3.TP + 1.5.COURS */
if( !in_array($vh_prof['idCat'], [1,3]) )
return $vh_prof['equiTD'] = $vh_prof['VHTd'] + (2/3)*$vh_prof['VHTp'] + 1.5*$vh_prof['VHCours'];
// exited because of 'return' statement
/* (2) Else (cat = 1 or 3) -> equivalentTD = TD + TP + 1.5.COURS */
$vh_prof['equiTD'] = $vh_prof['VHTd'] + $vh_prof['VHTp'] + 1.5*$vh_prof['VHCours'];
/* (3) If equivalentTD exceeds HeuresDues */
if($vh_prof['equiTD'] > $vh_prof['du']){
/* (3.1) @valTP = HeuresDues.(TP / equivalentTD) */
$valTP = $vh_prof['du'] * ( $vh_prof['VHTp'] / $vh_prof['equiTD'] );
/* (3.2) equivalentTD = 1.5*COURS + TD + @valTP + (TP-@valTP) */
$vh_prof['equiTD'] = round(1.5*$vh_prof['VHCours'] + $vh_prof['VHTd'] + $valTP + ($vh_prof['VHTp'] - $valTP)*(2/3), 2);
/* (4) VH comp */
$vh_prof['VHComp'] = round($vh_prof['equiTD'] - $vh_prof['du'], 2);
$vh_prof['VHComp'] = ( $vh_prof['VHComp'] < 0 ) ? 0 : $vh_prof['VHComp'];
/* (1) Returns 1 or all professors
* @prof_id<int> [OPT] The professor UID
@ -26,6 +53,7 @@ class professorController{
public static function get($args){
$prof_id = null;
$with_vh = null;
/* Get the professor repo */
@ -33,26 +61,30 @@ class professorController{
$prof_repo = Repo::getRepo('professor');
/* (1) If @prof_id is set -> getById()
/* (1) If with VH data
if( !is_null($prof_id) ){
if( is_string($with_vh) && $with_vh == '1' ){
/* (1) Only get one professor by its id */
$fetch_prof = $prof_repo->getById((int) $prof_id);
/* (1) Get All professors or 1 by its id (if set) */
$fetched = $prof_repo->getWithVH($prof_id);
/* (2) If nothing found -> return empty set */
if( is_null($fetch_prof) )
return ['professors' => []];
/* (2) Process VH */
foreach($fetched as &$vh_prof)
/* (3) Else -> return the professor */
return ['professors' => [$fetch_prof]];
/* (3) Return data */
return ['professors' => $fetched];
/* (2) Else -> getAll()
/* (2) If without VH data (only Professor.*)
return ['professors' => $prof_repo->getAll()];
/* (1) Get All professors or 1 by its id (if set) */
$fetched = $prof_repo->get($prof_id);
/* (3) Return data */
return ['professors' => $fetched];

View File

@ -163,33 +163,37 @@ class professor extends Repo_i {
/* (5) Gets a professor by its UID
/* (5) Gets a professor by its UID ||| getAll
* @idProf<int> The professor's UID
* @prof_id<int> [OPT] The professor's UID, if not set, getAll()
* @return teacher<array> The professor's data (NULL on error / not found)
* @return teachers<array> The professors matching id (NULL on error)
public function getById(int $id) : ?array{
public function get(?int $prof_id=null) : ?array{
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `Professeur` WHERE `idProfesseur` = :id");
/* (1) Manage if no id given */
$cond = is_null($prof_id) ? '' : ' WHERE `idProfesseur` = :id';
$parm = is_null($prof_id) ? [] : [':id' => $prof_id];
/* (2) Bind params and execute statement */
$success = $st->execute([ ':id' => $id ]);
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `Professeur`$cond GROUP BY abreviation ASC");
/* (3) Manage error */
/* (3) Bind params and execute statement */
$success = $st->execute($parm);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return NULL;
return [];
/* (4) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetch();
/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetchAll();
/* (5) Return NULL on no result */
/* (6) Return [] on no result */
if( $fetched === false )
return NULL;
return [];
/* (6) Return data */
/* (7) Return data */
return $fetched;
@ -231,22 +235,57 @@ class professor extends Repo_i {
/* (7) Gets all professors
/* (7) Gets a professor by its UID ||| getAll
* @return teachers<array> The professors' data ([] on error)
* @prof_id<int> [OPT] The professor's UID, if not set, getAll()
* @return teachers<array> The professors matching id (NULL on error)
public function getAll() : array{
public function getWithVH(?int $prof_id=null) : array{
/* (1) Set query */
$query = $this->pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `Professeur` ORDER BY `abreviation` ASC");
/* (1) Manage if no id given */
$cond = is_null($prof_id) ? '' : 'Prof.idProfesseur = :id AND';
$parm = is_null($prof_id) ? [] : [':id' => $prof_id];
/* (2) If error return empty array */
if( $query === false )
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$this->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT
Prof.idProfesseur, Prof.firstName, Prof.lastName, Prof.casLogin, Prof.abreviation, Prof.admin, Prof.hoursToDo,
VHCours, VHTd, VHTp,
Cat.idCategorie idCat,
Cat.labelCategorie categorie
Professeur Prof,
Categorie Cat,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(Cours.volume),0) VHCours, Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN Cours ON Prof.idProfesseur = Cours.Professeur_idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHCours,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TD.volume),0) VHTd , Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN TD ON TD.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHTd,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TP.volume),0) VHTp, Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN TP ON TP.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHTp
WHERE $cond Prof.Categorie_idCategorie = Cat.idCategorie
AND VHCours.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur
AND VHTp.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur
AND VHTd.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur
/* (3) Bind params and execute statement */
$success = $st->execute($parm);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return [];
/* (3) Return fetched data */
return $query->fetchAll();
/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetchAll();
/* (6) Return [] on no result */
if( $fetched === false )
return [];
/* (7) Return data */
return $fetched;
@ -280,16 +319,16 @@ class professor extends Repo_i {
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT VHCours, VHTd, VHTp, Cat.idCategorie idCat, Prof.hoursToDo du
FROM Professeur Prof, Categorie Cat,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(Cours.volume),0) VHCours, Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN Cours ON Prof.idProfesseur = Cours.Professeur_idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHCours,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TD.volume),0) VHTd , Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN TD ON TD.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHTd,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TP.volume),0) VHTp, Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN TP ON TP.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHTp
Prof.idProfesseur = :idProf AND
Prof.Categorie_idCategorie = Cat.idCategorie AND
VHCours.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur AND
VHTp.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur AND
VHTd.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur;");
FROM Professeur Prof, Categorie Cat,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(Cours.volume),0) VHCours, Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN Cours ON Prof.idProfesseur = Cours.Professeur_idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHCours,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TD.volume),0) VHTd , Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN TD ON TD.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHTd,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TP.volume),0) VHTp, Prof.idProfesseur idProf FROM Professeur Prof LEFT JOIN TP ON TP.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur) VHTp
Prof.idProfesseur = :idProf AND
Prof.Categorie_idCategorie = Cat.idCategorie AND
VHCours.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur AND
VHTp.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur AND
VHTd.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur;");
/* (2) Bind params and execute */
$success = $st->execute([ ':idProf' => $id ]);

View File

@ -82,7 +82,8 @@
"des": "Get one or all professors",
"per": [],
"par": {
"URL0": { "des": "Optional professor UID.", "typ": "id", "ren": "prof_id", "opt": true }
"URL0": { "des": "Whether to return VH", "typ": "id", "ren": "with_vh" },
"URL1": { "des": "Optional professor UID.", "typ": "id", "ren": "prof_id", "opt": true }
"out": {
"professors": { "des": "Teacher list", "typ": "array" }