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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: lucas
* Date: 20/02/18
* Time: 20:31
namespace database\repo;
use database\core\Repo_i;
class professor extends Repo_i {
/* (1) Creates a new professor
* @lastName<String> The professor's lastName
* @firstName<String> The professor's firstName
* @category<int> The professor's category ID
* @hoursToDo<int> The professor's number of hours to do
* @initials<int> The professor's initials
* @isAdmin<bool> Whether the professor is an admin
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
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* @return prof_id<int> The professor's UID (or -1 on error)
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public function create(string $lastName, string $firstName, int $category, int $hoursToDo = 0, ?string $initials = null , bool $isAdmin = false , ?string $casLogin = null ) : ?int{
/* (1) Create professor into local database
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO
Professeur(`casLogin`, `lastName`, `firstName`, `abreviation`, `admin`, `hoursToDo`, `Categorie_idCategorie`)
VALUE (:casLogin, :lastName, :firstName, :abrev, :is_admin, :hoursToDo, :cat);");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return NULL;
/* (3) Bind params and execute */
$success = $st->execute([
':casLogin' => $casLogin,
':lastName' => $lastName,
':firstName' => $firstName,
':abrev' => $initials,
':is_admin' => $isAdmin ? 1 : 0,
':hoursToDo' => $hoursToDo,
':cat' => $category
/* (4) If execution error -> dispatch */
if( !$success )
return NULL;
/* (5) Store id */
$id_prof = $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
/* (6) Exit now if no meta database to udpate */
if( is_null($casLogin) )
return $id_prof;
/* (2) Create user in meta database
/* (1) Try to insert user */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO meta_vhost.casUser(casLogin, firstName, lastName) VALUE (:casLogin, :firstName, :lastName)");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( !is_bool($st) ){
2018-03-13 23:12:18 +00:00
/* (3) Try to execute */
$success = $st->execute([
':casLogin' => $casLogin,
':firstName' => $firstName,
':lastName' => $lastName
2018-03-13 23:12:18 +00:00
/* (4) Manage execution error */
// if( !$success )
/* (3) Add user to department in meta database
/* (1) Try to insert user */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO meta_vhost.linkedDep(departement_iddepartement, casUser_casLogin) VALUE (:idDep, :casLogin)");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( !is_bool($st) ){
/* (3) Try to execute */
$success = $st->execute([
':idDep' => $_SESSION['CurrentDepartementId'],
':casLogin' => $casLogin
2018-03-13 23:12:18 +00:00
/* (4) Manage error */
// if( !$success )
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/* (5) Return inserted ID */
return $id_prof;
/* (2) Check if a professor exists (by its names)
* @lastName<String> The professor's lastName
* @firstName<String> The professor's firstName
* @return prof_id<int> The professor's UID (or NULL on error)
public function exists(string $lastName, string $firstName, ?string $casLogin = null) : ?int{
/* (1) Manage if @casLogin given/ignored */
$cond = is_null($casLogin) ? '' : 'OR `casLogin` = :casLogin';
$parm = is_null($casLogin) ? [] : [':casLogin' => $casLogin];
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT idProfesseur
FROM Professeur
WHERE ( firstName = :firstName AND lastName = :lastName )
/* (3) Statement eror */
if( is_bool($st) )
return NULL;
/* (4) Bind params and execute */
$params = array_merge([
':firstName' => $firstName,
':lastName' => $lastName
], $parm);
$success = $st->execute($params);
/* (5) Return NULL on error */
if( !$success )
return NULL;
/* (7) Return @prof_id or NULL if nothing found */
return $st->fetch()['idProfesseur'] ?: NULL;
/* (3) Get available departments for a CAS login
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
* @return departments<array> The list of available departments (empty on error)
public function getLinkedDepartments(string $casLogin) : array{
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/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT d2.iddepartement idDep, d2.label labelDep, d2.databaseName dbName
FROM meta_vhost.casUser
JOIN meta_vhost.linkedDep D ON casUser.casLogin = D.casUser_casLogin
JOIN meta_vhost.departement d2 ON D.departement_iddepartement = d2.iddepartement
WHERE casLogin = :caslogin");
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/* (2) Check if statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return [];
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/* (3) Bind params and execute statement */
$success = $st->execute([ ':caslogin' => $casLogin ]);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return [];
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/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetchAll();
/* (6) Return [] on no result */
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if( $fetched === false )
return [];
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/* (7) Return data */
return $fetched;
/* (4) Updates a professor's data
* @idProf<int> The professor's UID
* @lastName<String> [OPT] The professor's new lastName
* @firstName<String> [OPT] The professor's new firstName
* @category<int> [OPT] The professor's new category ID
* @hoursToDo<int> [OPT] The professor's new number of hours to do
* @initials<int> [OPT] The professor's new initials
* @isAdmin<bool> [OPT] Whether the professor is an admin
* @casLogin<String> [OPT] The professor's new CAS username
* @return updated<bool> Whether the updated have been successful
public function update(int $id, ?String $lastName, ?String $firstName, ?int $category, ?int $hoursToDo, ?String $initials, ?bool $isAdmin, ?String $casLogin) : bool{
/* (1) Update current database
/* (1) Build request */
$build_rq = [];
$bind_param = [ ':idProfesseur' => $id ];
if( !is_null($lastName) ){ $build_rq[] = '`lastName` = :lastName'; $bind_param[':lastName'] = $lastName; }
if( !is_null($firstName) ){ $build_rq[] = '`firstName` = :firstName'; $bind_param[':firstName'] = $firstName; }
if( !is_null($category) ){ $build_rq[] = '`Categorie_idCategorie` = :category'; $bind_param[':category'] = $category; }
if( !is_null($hoursToDo) ){ $build_rq[] = '`hoursToDo` = :hoursToDo'; $bind_param[':hoursToDo'] = $hoursToDo; }
if( !is_null($initials) ){ $build_rq[] = '`abreviation` = :initials'; $bind_param[':initials'] = $initials; }
if( !is_null($isAdmin) ){ $build_rq[] = '`admin` = :isAdmin'; $bind_param[':isAdmin'] = $isAdmin?1:0; }
if( !is_null($casLogin) ){ $build_rq[] = '`casLogin` = :casLogin'; $bind_param[':casLogin'] = $casLogin; }
/* (2) ERROR if no updated field */
if( count($build_rq) <= 0 || count($bind_param) <= 1 )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Build request */
$sql_rq = "UPDATE `Professeur` SET ".implode(', ', $build_rq)." WHERE `idProfesseur` = :idProfesseur";
/* (4) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare($sql_rq);
/* (5) Return execution success */
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$success = $st->execute($bind_param);
/* (6) Manage execution error */
if( !$success )
return FALSE;
/* (7) If do not have to update 'meta' database -> success */
if( is_null($casLogin) )
return TRUE;
/* (2) Check existence in meta database
/* (1) Try to fetch professor's data */
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$prof = $this->get($id);
/* (2) Error: no professor found */
if( count($prof) === 0 )
return TRUE;
/* (3) Check if user exists in 'meta' database */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM meta_vhost.casUser WHERE casLogin = :casLogin");
/* (4) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return TRUE;
/* (5) Try to execute request */
$success = $st->execute([ ':casLogin' => $prof[0]['casLogin'] ]);
/* (6) Manage execution error */
if( !$success )
return TRUE;
/* (7) Check if exists */
$exists = is_array( $st->fetch() );
/* (3) Does not exist: Create professor in meta database
if( !$exists ){
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO meta_vhost.casUser(casLogin, firstName, lastName)
VALUE(:casLogin, :firstName, :lastName)");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return TRUE;
/* (3) Try to execute */
2018-03-13 23:12:18 +00:00
':firstName' => $prof[0]['firstName'],
':lastName' => $prof[0]['lastName'],
':casLogin' => $prof[0]['casLogin']
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return TRUE;
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/* (4) If exists: Update professor in meta database
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE meta_vhost.casUser
SET casLogin = :casLogin,
firstName = :firstName,
lastName = :lastName ");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return TRUE;
/* (3) Try to execute */
':firstName' => $prof[0]['firstName'],
':lastName' => $prof[0]['lastName'],
':casLogin' => $prof[0]['casLogin']
return TRUE;
/* (5) Return whether a professor is an admin
* @idProf<int> The professor's UID
* @return is_admin<bool> Whether the professor is an admin (FALSE if does not exist)
public function isAdmin(int $id) : bool{
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT `admin` FROM `Professeur` WHERE `idProfesseur` = :id AND `admin` = 1");
/* (2) Bind params and execute statement */
$success = $st->execute([ ':id' => $id ]);
/* (3) FALSE on error */
if( !$success )
return FALSE;
/* (4) Return whether we have a result or not */
return $st->fetch() == 1;
/* (6) Gets a professor by its UID ||| getAll
* @prof_id<int> [OPT] The professor's UID, if not set, getAll()
* @return teachers<array> The professors matching id (NULL on error)
public function get(?int $prof_id=null) : array{
/* (1) Manage if no id given */
$cond = is_null($prof_id) ? '' : ' WHERE `idProfesseur` = :id';
$parm = is_null($prof_id) ? [] : [':id' => $prof_id];
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `Professeur`$cond ORDER BY abreviation ASC");
/* (3) Bind params and execute statement */
if( is_bool($st) ) return [];
$success = $st->execute($parm);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return [];
/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetchAll();
/* (6) Return [] on no result */
if( $fetched === false )
return [];
/* (7) Return data */
return $fetched;
/* (7) Gets a professor by its CAS login
* @cas_login<String> The professor's CAS login
* @return teacher<array> The professor's data (NULL on error / not found)
public function getByLogin(String $cas_login) : ?array{
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `Professeur` WHERE `casLogin` = :cas_login");
/* (2) Check if statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return NULL;
/* (3) Bind params and execute statement */
$success = $st->execute([ ':cas_login' => $cas_login ]);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return NULL;
/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetch();
/* (6) Return NULL on no result */
if( $fetched === false )
return NULL;
/* (7) Return data */
return $fetched;
/* (8) Gets a professor by its UID ||| getAll
* @prof_id<int> [OPT] The professor's UID, if not set, getAll()
* @return teachers<array> The professors matching id (NULL on error)
public function getWithVH(?int $prof_id=null) : array{
/* (1) Manage if no id given */
$cond = is_null($prof_id) ? '' : 'Prof.idProfesseur = :id AND';
$parm = is_null($prof_id) ? [] : [':id' => $prof_id];
/* (2) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT
Prof.idProfesseur, Prof.firstName, Prof.lastName, Prof.casLogin, Prof.abreviation, Prof.admin, Prof.hoursToDo,
VHCours, VHTd, VHTp,
Cat.idCategorie idCat,
Cat.labelCategorie categorie
Professeur Prof,
Categorie Cat,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(Cours.volume),0) VHCours, Prof.idProfesseur idProf
2018-03-06 15:07:15 +00:00
FROM Professeur Prof
LEFT JOIN Cours ON Prof.idProfesseur = Cours.Professeur_idProfesseur
LEFT JOIN UE U ON Cours.UE_code = U.code
GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur, U.disabled
HAVING (U.disabled = 0 OR U.disabled IS NULL)) VHCours,
2018-03-06 15:07:15 +00:00
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TD.volume),0) VHTd , Prof.idProfesseur idProf
FROM Professeur Prof
LEFT JOIN TD ON TD.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur
LEFT JOIN UE U2 ON TD.UE_code = U2.code
GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur, U2.disabled
HAVING (U2.disabled = 0 OR U2.disabled IS NULL)) VHTd,
2018-03-06 15:07:15 +00:00
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TP.volume),0) VHTp, Prof.idProfesseur idProf
FROM Professeur Prof
LEFT JOIN TP ON TP.Professeur_idProfesseur = Prof.idProfesseur
LEFT JOIN UE U3 ON TP.UE_code = U3.code
GROUP BY Prof.idProfesseur, U3.disabled
HAVING (U3.disabled = 0 OR U3.disabled IS NULL)) VHTp
WHERE $cond Prof.Categorie_idCategorie = Cat.idCategorie
AND VHCours.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur
AND VHTp.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur
AND VHTd.idProf = Prof.idProfesseur
/* (3) Bind params and execute statement */
if( is_bool($st) ) return [];
$success = $st->execute($parm);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return [];
/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetchAll();
/* (6) Return [] on no result */
if( $fetched === false )
return [];
/* (7) Compute additional data */
foreach ($fetched as &$prof){
/* (1) If not in category 1 nor 3 -> equivalentTD = TD + 2/3.TP + 1.5.COURS */
$prof["equiTD"] = $prof["VHTd"] + $prof["VHTp"] + 1.5*$prof["VHCours"];
if($prof["equiTD"] > $prof["hoursToDo"]){
$partTP = $prof["VHTp"] / $prof["equiTD"];
$valReelleTP = $partTP * $prof["hoursToDo"];
$prof["equiTD"] = round(1.5*$prof["VHCours"] + $prof["VHTd"] + $valReelleTP + ($prof["VHTp"] - $valReelleTP)*(2/3),2);
$prof['VHComp'] = round($prof['equiTD'] - $prof['hoursToDo'], 2);
$prof['VHComp'] = ( $prof['VHComp'] < 0 ) ? 0 : $prof['VHComp'];
2018-03-08 17:41:52 +00:00
$prof["equiTD"] = $prof["VHTd"] + (2/3)*$prof["VHTp"] + 1.5*$prof["VHCours"];
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if(is_numeric($prof["hoursToDo"]) and $prof["hoursToDo"] > 0){
$prof['VHComp'] = round($prof['equiTD'] - $prof['hoursToDo'], 2);
$prof['VHComp'] = ( $prof['VHComp'] < 0 ) ? 0 : $prof['VHComp'];
$prof['VHComp'] = 0;
/* (8) Return data */
return $fetched;
/* (9) Deletes a professor
* @return deleted<bool> Whether the professor have been deleeted successfully
public function delete(int $id) : bool{
/* (1) Try to fetch professor data
/* (1) Try to fetch */
2018-03-13 23:12:18 +00:00
$prof = $this->get($id);
/* (2) Error: if not found */
if( count($prof) === 0 )
return false;
/* (2) Remove professor from current database
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM `Professeur` WHERE `idProfesseur` = :id");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return false;
/* (3) Return the execution status */
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$success = $st->execute([ ':id' => $id ]);
/* (4) Error: on execution error */
if( !$success )
return false;
/* (3) Remove professor from meta database
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM meta_vhost.linkedDep WHERE casUser_casLogin = :casLogin AND departement_iddepartement = :idDep');
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return true;
/* (3) Try to execute */
$success = $st->execute([
':casLogin' => $prof[0]['casLogin'],
':idDep' => $_SESSION['CurrentDepartementId']
/* (4) Manage execution error */
if( !$success )
return true;
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return true;