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Raw Normal View History

namespace database\repo;
use database\core\Repo_i;
class meta extends Repo_i {
/* (1) Creates a new professor
* @casLogin<String> The professor's cas login
* @firstName<String> [OPT] The professor's firstName
* @lastName<String> [OPT] The professor's lastName
* @return created<bool> Whether the professor has been created
public function create_prof(String $casLogin, ?String $firstName, ?String $lastName) : bool{
/* (1) Create user in meta database
/* (1) Try to insert user */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO
meta_vhost.casUser(casLogin, firstName, lastName)
VALUES(:cas_login, :first_name, :last_name)");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Try to execute */
$success = $st->execute([
':cas_login' => $casLogin,
':first_name' => $firstName,
':last_name' => $lastName
/* (4) Dispatch execution error */
return $success;
/* (2) Check if a professor exists (by its casLogin)
* @casLogin<String> The professor's cas login
* @return exists<bool> Whether the professor exists
public function prof_exists(String $casLogin) : bool{
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT casLogin
FROM meta_vhost.casUser
WHERE casLogin = :cas_login;");
/* (2) Statement eror */
if( is_bool($st) )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Bind params and execute */
$success = $st->execute([ ':cas_login' => $casLogin ]);
/* (4) Manage execution error */
if( !$success )
return FALSE;
/* (7) Return That it exists */
return is_array( $st->fetch() );
/* (3) Get available departments for a CAS login
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
* @return departments<array> The list of available departments (empty on error)
public function get_prof_departments(String $casLogin) : array{
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT d2.iddepartement idDep, d2.label labelDep, d2.databaseName dbName
FROM meta_vhost.casUser
JOIN meta_vhost.linkedDep D ON casUser.casLogin = D.casUser_casLogin
JOIN meta_vhost.departement d2 ON D.departement_iddepartement = d2.iddepartement
WHERE casLogin = :cas_login");
/* (2) Check if statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return [];
/* (3) Bind params and execute sstatement */
$success = $st->execute([ ':cas_login' => $casLogin ]);
/* (4) Manage error */
if( !$success )
return [];
/* (5) Get data */
$fetched = $st->fetchAll();
/* (6) Return [] on no result */
if( $fetched === false )
return [];
/* (7) Return data */
return $fetched;
/* (4) Deletes a professor
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
* @return deleted<bool> Whether the professor have been deleeted successfully
public function delete_prof(String $casLogin) : bool{
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM meta_vhost.casUser
WHERE casLogin = :cas_login');
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Try to execute */
$success = $st->execute([ ':cas_login' => $casLogin ]);
/* (4) Dispatch execution error */
return $success;
/* (5) Check if a link exists
* @casLogin<String> The professor's cas login
* @idDep<int> The department id
* @return exists<bool> Whether the professor exists
public function link_exists(String $casLogin, int $idDep) : bool{
/* (1) Prepare Statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT *
FROM meta_vhost.linkedDep
WHERE departement_iddepartement = :id_dep
AND casUser_casLogin = :cas_login");
/* (2) Statement eror */
if( is_bool($st) )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Bind params and execute */
$success = $st->execute([
':id_dep' => $idDep,
':cas_login' => $casLogin
/* (4) Manage execution error */
if( !$success )
return FALSE;
/* (7) Return That it exists */
return is_array( $st->fetch() );
/* (6) Associates a professor to a department
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
* @idDep<int> The department id
* @return linked<bool> Whether the link have been created
public function link(String $casLogin, int $idDep) : bool{
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO meta_vhost.linkedDep(departement_iddepartement, casUser_casLogin)
VALUES(:id_dep, :cas_login);");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Try to execute request */
$success = $st->execute([
':id_dep' => $idDep,
':cas_login' => $casLogin
/* (4) Dispatch execution error */
return $success;
/* (7) Remove a department from a professor
* @casLogin<String> The professor's CAS username
* @idDep<int> The department id
* @return unlinked<bool> Whether the link have been removed
public function unlink(String $casLogin, int $idDep) : bool{
/* (1) Prepare statement */
$st = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM meta_vhost.linkedDep
WHERE departement_iddepartement = :id_dep
AND casUser_casLogin = :cas_login;");
/* (2) Manage statement error */
if( is_bool($st) )
return FALSE;
/* (3) Try to execute request */
$success = $st->execute([
':id_dep' => $idDep,
':cas_login' => $casLogin
/* (4) Dispatch execution error */
return $success;