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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: lucas
* Date: 30/08/16
* Time: 17:26
namespace database\core\PDOWrapper;
class PDOWrapper extends \PDO
private $statements = [];
private $stacking = false;
2018-03-08 19:53:40 +00:00
private $debug = [];
private $debugEnabled = false;
public function __construct(String $dsn, String $username, String $passwd, array $options = [])
parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $passwd, $options);
public function prepare($statement, $options = [])
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return new PDOStatementWrapper($statement, $this);
parent::setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
return parent::prepare($statement, $options);
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private function storeDebug(){
//get all the debug info about the repo
$prepareStack = debug_backtrace(0,3)[1];
$stack = debug_backtrace(0,3)[2];
//create the reflection object
$f = new \ReflectionMethod($stack["class"],$stack["function"]);
//get only the repo name
$className = explode("\\",$stack["class"]);
$className = $className[count($className)-1];
$result = [];
//if we are flushing a stack, just count the number of request stacked
if($stack["function"] == "executeStack"){
$result["StackedRequest"] = true;
$result["numberOfStackedRequest"] = substr_count($prepareStack["args"][0],";");
//if we are not stacking, log the repo call
}else if(!$this->stacking){
//store results
$result["repoName"] = $className;
$result["methodName"] = $stack["function"];
$result["args"] = [];
foreach ($f->getParameters() as $key => $param) {
$result["args"][$param->name] = $stack["args"][$key];
//else we are stacking a request, we should not log it
$this->debug[] = $result;
public function getDebug() : array{
return $this->debug;
public function enableStacking(){
$this->stacking = true;
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public function isDebugEnabled() : bool{
return $this->debugEnabled;
public function stackStatement(PDOStatementWrapper $st){
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public function enableDebug(){
$this->debugEnabled = true;
public function disableDebug(){
$this->debugEnabled = false;
public function executeStack(){
//init the statements and the generator of number
$finalStatement = '';
$finalExecute = [];
$i = 0;
//for each request stacked
foreach ($this->statements as $request){
$statement = $request->getStatement();
// we have to modify the parameters index at the same time that we modify the request, so we use static class attribute
$tempParametes = $request->getParameters();
//find the given pattern in the request, then call our function and replace the matched string by the return value of our function
$finalStatement .= rtrim(preg_replace_callback("/(:[a-z_\-0-9]*)/is",function($matches) use (&$i,&$tempParametes){
//get next number
//delete the ':' at the beginning of the string
$tempKey = ltrim($matches[0],':');
//copy the parameter with the modified index
$tempParametes[$tempKey.$i] = $tempParametes[$tempKey];
//delete the old index
//return the modified string for replacement
return $matches[0].$i;
$finalExecute = array_merge($finalExecute,$tempParametes);
//disable stacking
$this->stacking = false;
$req = $this->prepare($finalStatement);
$success = $req->execute($finalExecute);
//as we execute multiple query that we don't fetch, we have to close the cursor if we want to do other requests later
//using beginTransaction/commit disable the autocommit, we re-activate it
parent::setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
return $success;