# Douscord ​ Created for a study project in Advanced web development, we had to replicate [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) the famous text/vocal/video streaming platform. We had to use *WebSockets*, the *Java Persistence API* and the option we chose is to support *audio streaming* support. We worked on this project for 3-5 weeks. > This work is under the MIT Licence. **LEGAL ISSUES** ​ Discord is an open-source project, but we decided to "*copy*" its behavior without looking at its source. We dumped assets from the original website, any legal issue is protected by non-profit university work. ### Manifest ##### Client - author: `xdrm-brackets` - repository: https://www.git.xdrm.io/MTI/discord-client ##### Server - author: `SeekDaSky` - repository: https://www.git.xdrm.io/MTI/discord-server ### Technologies - Java Persistence API ([JPA](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/tech/persistence-jsp-140049.html)) - WebSocket (*SeekDaSky'*s library [kWebSocket](https://git.seekdasky.ovh/SeekDaSKy/kWebSocket) written in [kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/)) - [VueJS](https://vuejs.org/) a javascript template renderer framework to manage highly related components in real-time. - [Electron](https://electronjs.org/) to build native cross-platform desktop applications from the client source. - [Electron Packager](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager) to build bundled out of the box working applications. - [Parcel](https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel) bundler to build javascript dependencies for either the browser or electron. ## Getting the app ### Linux #### Debian / Ubuntu ###### With CURL ```bash curl https://cloud.xdrm.io/index.php/s/bzR594w2MKyc83m/download -o /tmp/douscord.deb; dpkg -i /tmp/douscord.deb && rm /tmp/douscord.deb; ``` ###### With wget ```bash wget https://cloud.xdrm.io/index.php/s/bzR594w2MKyc83m/download -o /tmp/douscord.deb; dpkg -i /tmp/douscord.deb && rm /tmp/douscord.deb; ``` ###### Or manually from [this link](https://cloud.xdrm.io/index.php/s/bzR594w2MKyc83m/download) then run the following command in the download folder: ```bash sudo dpkg -i douscord.deb ``` #### From source ```bash curl https://cloud.xdrm.io/index.php/s/bzR594w2MKyc83m/download -o /douscord-src; sh ./douscord-src/install.sh; ```