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import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import auth_wrapper from './vue/auth/wrapper.vue'
import noauth_wrapper from './vue/noauth/wrapper.vue'
2018-03-21 17:44:27 +00:00
/* (1) Setup: Vue, VueRouter, Authentication, ClientDriver-s */
require('./setup.js').default.then(() => {
2018-03-21 17:44:27 +00:00
/* (2) Set router hooks to load page data before loading content */
gs.get.router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// {1} Ignore null name //
if( to.name == null )
return next();
// {2} Get appropriate page location //
let auth_folder = (gs.get.authed) ? 'auth' : 'noauth';
let page_file = to.name || gs.get.routes[auth_folder][0].name;
let fullpath = `${auth_folder}/${page_file}`;
// {3} Load page script //
if( fullpath === 'noauth/login')
return require('./page/noauth/login.js').default.then(next);
if( fullpath === 'noauth/register')
return require('./page/noauth/register.js').default.then(next);
if( fullpath === 'auth/channel')
return require('./page/auth/channel.js').default.then(next);
// {4} Let VueRouter do the magic //
// next();
/* (3) Select appropriate wrapper */
const wrapper = (gs.get.authed) ? auth_wrapper : noauth_wrapper;
2018-03-21 17:44:27 +00:00
/* (4) Render view */
new Vue({
el: '#vue',
router: gs.get.router,
render(h){ return h(wrapper); }