# | API mixer | Simple REST API mixer as a service. A minimal service will be deployed on your local port `8000`, all incoming data has to be sent by _POST_ fields (_e.g. [form-data](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388), [x-www-form-urlencoded](https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/sec-forms.html#urlencoded-form-data)_). The output is a _application/json_ set. ### Project Set up ##### Prerequisites You need `node` and `npm` installed. ##### 1. Install dependencies Go into the project's folder and run : ```bash $ npm i ``` ##### 2. Transpile sources Then launch the following command inside the project's folder : ```bash $ npm run build ``` All source files of the `src/` folder will be transpiled into the `dist/` folder. > It is also possible to watch the typescript while developping and modifying files with the command `npm run watch`. ##### 3. Launch server > You need to have `node` installed. Launch the server with the following command (inside the project's folder) : ```bash $ node dist/main.js ``` ### Project fast start This command will build and run the whole project : ```bash $ npm run build; $ npm start; ``` ### Test the API You can now use [Postman](https://www.getpostman.com/) or whatever API client at ``.