
311 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File

echo ">>> Loading configuration file"
sh ./clone.conf || $(echo "<<< error"; exit);
echo "<<< done";
[ ! -e ./tmp -o ! -d ./tmp ] && mkdir ./tmp;
[ ! -e ./server -o ! -d ./server ] && mkdir ./server;
[ ! -e ./server/maintenance -o ! -d ./server/maintenance ] && mkdir ./server/maintenance;
# [!] Check parameter : device file
echo ">>> [!] Checking parameter : device";
# (1) Check parameter existence #
test $# -lt 1 && echo "Missing parameter : device" && exit;
# (2) Check USB and not a hard drive !!!!!!!!!! #
device_type=$(udevadm info --query=all -n $1 | grep -E "ID_BUS" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/ID_BUS=//');
test $device_type != "usb" && echo ">>> ERROR: device type is $device_type, \"usb\" expected." && exit;
echo "<<< done";
# [1] Init device layout (gpt table)
echo "\n>>> [1] Checking for mounted partitions ($DEV)";
# (1) List partitions of this device #
mounted_partitions=$( cat /proc/mounts | awk '{print $1}' | grep "$DEV" );
# if nothing found -> next step
test -z "$mounted_partitions" && echo "<<< done" && step2;
for mounted in $mounted_partitions; do
read -p " (!) umount $mounted (y/n) [n]" unmount;
test -n "$unmount" && test $unmount = "y" && sudo umount $mounted 2> /dev/null > /dev/null && echo " > unmounted";
echo "<<< done";
# [2] Initialize GTP Table
echo "\n>>> [2] Formatting disk ($DEV)";
# (1) Confirmation #
read -p" (!) Erase the whole disk ? it is irreversible! (y/n) [n]" confirm_format;
test -z "$confirm_format" && echo "<<< aborting" && exit;
test $confirm_format != "y" && echo "<<< aborting" && exit;
# (2) Init gpt entry #
# echo " ))) replace by real code (((";
echo -e "g\nw" | sudo fdisk $DEV 2> /dev/null > /dev/null;
echo "<<< done";
# [3] Burn image to device
echo "\n>>> [3] Burning image into disk ($DEV)";
# (1) Confirmation #
read -p" (!) Burn the whole disk ? it is irreversible! (y/n) [n]" confirm_burn;
test -z "$confirm_burn" && echo "<<< aborting" && exit;
test $confirm_burn != "y" && echo "<<< aborting" && exit;
# (2) Burning image into disk #
( dd if=./original.img bs=4M | pv -s $(du -bs ./original.img | awk '{print $1}') | sudo dd of=$DEV bs=4M ) \
|| $( echo "<<< error: dd command failed" && exit );
echo "<<< done";
# [4] Mount partition
echo "\n>>> [4] Mounting partition ${DEV}2";
# [1] Mount device partition
sudo mount ${DEV}2 /mnt || $( echo "<<< error: can't mount" && exit );
echo "<<< done";
# [5] Updating users
echo "\n>>> [5] Updating users";
echo " (.) Adding user sats-user";
# shadow
echo " /etc/shadow";
## TODO: Manage default password ##
echo "sats-user:$6$NvC.M5Yz$IRr1rOWhgSQNstmaZK9VLHJzqHebJaEBDaro8M6WyeWQjdLyas4cg5qDwziTVLBC9CI22sPGY.us8saZW0xMl0:17185:0:999999:7::" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/shadow > /dev/null;
echo "sats-user:$6$NvC.M5Yz$IRr1rOWhgSQNstmaZK9VLHJzqHebJaEBDaro8M6WyeWQjdLyas4cg5qDwziTVLBC9CI22sPGY.us8saZW0xMl0:17185:0:999999:7::" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/shadow- > /dev/null;
# passwd
echo " /etc/passwd";
echo "sats-user:x:666:666:sats-user,,,:/home/sats-user:/bin/sh" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/passwd > /dev/null;
echo "sats-user:x:666:666:sats-user,,,:/home/sats-user:/bin/sh" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/passwd- > /dev/null;
echo " (.) Removing pi's login password";
# create temp file with new pi's password
sudo cat /mnt/etc/shadow | sed 's/pi:[^:]\+:/pi:$6$k0vFWRoG$bEBdFcFBWw2fLEA.5LsVKOtLWdWSkZMnEikqOG4jHCneRrWEBnEt6.ROe60ggdA7DbdU.l2ZO35WFvi3q6Ays\/:/' | sudo tee /mnt/etc/shadow.tmp > /dev/null;
# write original files
sudo cat /mnt/etc/shadow.tmp | sudo tee /mnt/etc/shadow > /dev/null;
sudo cat /mnt/etc/shadow.tmp | sudo tee /mnt/etc/shadow- > /dev/null;
# remove temporary file
sudo rm /mnt/etc/shadow.tmp;
echo " (.) Copying pi's .bashrc to sats-user";
sudo mkdir /mnt/home/sats-user;
sudo cp /mnt/home/pi/.bashrc /mnt/home/sats-user/.bashrc;
sudo chown 666:666 /mnt/home/sats-user/.bashrc;
sudo chmod 544 /mnt/home/sats-user/.bashrc;
echo "<<< done";
# [6] Updating groups
echo "\n>>> [6] Updating groups";
echo " (.) Adding group ssh-key";
# group
echo " /etc/group";
echo "ssh-key:x:555:pi,sats-user" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/group > /dev/null;
echo "ssh-key:x:555:pi,sats-user" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/group- > /dev/null;
echo " (.) Adding group sats-user";
# group
echo " /etc/group";
echo "sats-user:x:666:sats-user" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/group > /dev/null;
echo "sats-user:x:666:sats-user" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/group- > /dev/null;
echo "<<< done":
# [7] Manage SSH keys #
echo "\n>>> [7] Manage ssh keys";
# (1) Create ssh key pair #
echo " (.) Create ssh key [ecdsa:521]";
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -C "[ECDSA:521] SATS" -f ./tmp/id_ecdsa -P "" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null;
# (2) Add public key to server's `authorized_keys` file #
echo " (.) Add public key to server's list";
test ! -e ./server/authorized_keys && touch ./server/authorized_keys;
cat ./tmp/ >> ./server/authorized_keys;
# (3) Create ssh file system #
echo " (.) Init ssh folder (/home/sats-user/.ssh)";
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/home/sats-user/.ssh;
# (4) Add both keys to sats-user files #
echo " (.) Add keys to ssh folder";
sudo mv ./tmp/id_ecdsa /mnt/home/sats-user/.ssh/id_ecdsa;
sudo mv ./tmp/ /mnt/home/sats-user/.ssh/;
# (5) Add maintenance keys #
echo " (.) Add maintenance keys'";
sudo touch /mnt/home/sats-user/.ssh/authorized_keys;
cat ./server/maintenance/*.pub | sudo tee /mnt/home/sats-user/.ssh/authorized_keys > /dev/null;
# (6) Set up permissions #
echo " (.) Set up permissions";
sudo chown -R 666:666 /mnt/home/sats-user/;
sudo chmod 400 /mnt/home/sats-user/.ssh/*;
# (7) Restrict access to pubkey only (no password) #
echo " (.) Restrict access to pubkey";
echo "\nAllowGroups\tssh-key\nPasswordAuthentication\tno" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config > /dev/null;
# (8) Set up automatic ssh server at start up #
echo " (.) Trigger ssh server on start up"
echo "sudo service ssh restart" | sudo tee -a /mnt/home/pi/.bashrc > /dev/null;
# echo "sudo service ssh restart" | sudo tee -a /mnt/home/sats-user/.bashrc > /dev/null;
sudo chown 666:666 /mnt/home/sats-user/.bashrc;
sudo chmod 755 /mnt/home/sats-user/.bashrc;
echo "<<< done";
# [8] Set up sats-user automatic login
echo "\n>>> [8] Set up automatic login";
# (1) Create link in order to be handled #
echo " (.) Emulate \`systemctl set-default\`";
sudo ln -fs /lib/systemd/system/ /mnt/etc/systemd/system/;
# (2) Link autologin to tty service #
echo " (.) Link autologin script to tty's default";
#sudo cat /mnt/etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service \
# | sed 's/ pi / sats-user /' \
# | tee ./tmp/autologin@.service > /dev/null;
#sudo cp ./tmp/autologin@.service /mnt/etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service;
#rm ./tmp/autologin@.service;
#sudo ln -fs /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service /mnt/etc/systemd/system/;
sudo mkdir -pv /mnt/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d;
sudo touch /mnt/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf;
echo -e "[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin sats-user --noclear I 38400 linux" | sudo tee /mnt/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf > /dev/null;
echo "<<< done";
# [9] Manage Network config
echo "\n>>> [9] Set up WiFi configuration";
echo "network={\n\tssid=\"$WIFI_SSID"\n\tpsk=\"$WIFI_PASS"\n}" | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf > /dev/null;
echo "<<< done";
# [0] Step choice
echo "\nSTEPS";
echo "(1) Unmount mounted partitions";
echo "(2) Format disk (gpt table)";
echo "(3) Burn image into disk";
echo "(4) Mount / partition";
echo "(5) Update users";
echo "(6) Update groups";
echo "(7) Manage ssh keys";
echo "(8) Set up automatic sats-user login";
echo "(9) Set up WiFi config";
read -p "step: " step;
case $step in
"1") step1;;
"2") step2;;
"3") step3;;
"4") step4;;
"5") step5;;
"6") step6;;
"7") step7;;
"8") step8;;
"9") step9;;
*) echo "wrong step"; exit;;