* * @see http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/templates.html#filters */ class Twig_Filter { private $name; private $callable; private $options; private $arguments = array(); /** * Creates a template filter. * * @param string $name Name of this filter * @param callable|null $callable A callable implementing the filter. If null, you need to overwrite the "node_class" option to customize compilation. * @param array $options Options array */ public function __construct($name, $callable = null, array $options = array()) { $this->name = $name; $this->callable = $callable; $this->options = array_merge(array( 'needs_environment' => false, 'needs_context' => false, 'is_variadic' => false, 'is_safe' => null, 'is_safe_callback' => null, 'pre_escape' => null, 'preserves_safety' => null, 'node_class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Filter', 'deprecated' => false, 'alternative' => null, ), $options); } public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Returns the callable to execute for this filter. * * @return callable|null */ public function getCallable() { return $this->callable; } public function getNodeClass() { return $this->options['node_class']; } public function setArguments($arguments) { $this->arguments = $arguments; } public function getArguments() { return $this->arguments; } public function needsEnvironment() { return $this->options['needs_environment']; } public function needsContext() { return $this->options['needs_context']; } public function getSafe(Twig_Node $filterArgs) { if (null !== $this->options['is_safe']) { return $this->options['is_safe']; } if (null !== $this->options['is_safe_callback']) { return $this->options['is_safe_callback']($filterArgs); } } public function getPreservesSafety() { return $this->options['preserves_safety']; } public function getPreEscape() { return $this->options['pre_escape']; } public function isVariadic() { return $this->options['is_variadic']; } public function isDeprecated() { return (bool) $this->options['deprecated']; } public function getDeprecatedVersion() { return $this->options['deprecated']; } public function getAlternative() { return $this->options['alternative']; } }