elseif( $auth == 1 ) define('__REDIRECT__', 'Location: /admin/'); // Pas identifié -> Identification
else define('__REDIRECT__', 'Location: /warehouse/'); // Pas localisé -> Localisation
/* [2] Gestion du routage
/* (1) On initialise le routeur
$R = new Router( $_GET['url'] );
/* (2) Gestion des SVG avec couleur modifiée */
$R->get('(.+)@([a-f0-9]{6})(\.svg)', function($matches){
$path = __PUBLIC__.'/'.$matches[0].$matches[2];
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
// On crée la partie ajoutée
$stylesheet = "\n";
// On récupère le fichier
$file = file_get_contents($path);
// On ajoute le style
$file = str_replace('', $stylesheet, $file);
echo $file;
/* (3) Si n'existe pas ne cherche pas */
$R->get('(.+)', function($matches){
/* (4) serverinfo.js -> generate it with no cache */
$R->get('serverinfo.js', function($matches){
global $auth;
// session timeout warning
$session_warn = 5; // 5 minutes before expiration
// {1} Disable cache //
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
// {2} Generate content //
echo "var SERVER = {\n";
echo "\tmodule: {\n";
// if connected to warehouse
if( $auth >= 1 ){
$m_id = array_keys($_SESSION['WAREHOUSE']['modules']);
for( $m = 0 ; $m < count($m_id) ; $m++ ){
if( $m > 0 )
echo ",\n";
echo "\t\t'".$_SESSION['WAREHOUSE']['modules'][$m_id[$m]]."': true";
// session timeout
echo "\n\t},\n";
echo "\tsession: {\n";
echo "\t\ttimeout: '".( (ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime')-$session_warn*60) * 1000 )."'\n";
echo "\n\t}\n";
echo "};\n\n";
// {3} Function that reloads or logout the user
echo "var KEEP_SESSION = function(keep){\n";
echo "\tdocument.location = ( keep ) ? '' : '/logout';\n";
echo "};\n\n";
// {4} Function called at session timeout
echo "var SESSION_TIMEOUT_FUNC = function(){\n";
// {4.1} setup POPUP window
echo "\tvar popup = new Popup();\n";
echo "\tvar popup_content = {\n";
echo "\t\ttitle: 'Expiration de connexion',\n";
echo "\t\tcontent: 'Vous n\'avez rien fait depuis un moment. Vous serez déconnecté dans ".round(.5+$session_warn)." minutes. Vous pouvez recharger la page pour garder votre connexion.',\n";
echo "\t\ttype: 'search',\n";
echo "\t\taction: 'Recharger la page'\n";
echo "\t}\n";
// {4.2} Show popup dialog -> on reload: reload page ; on cancel: logout
echo "\tpopup.ask(popup_content, KEEP_SESSION);\n";
// {4.3} Logout by default 5min if no popup response
echo "\tsetTimeout(function(){ KEEP_SESSION(false); }, (.5+$session_warn)*60*1000);\n";
echo "};\n\n";
// {5} Set the timeout
echo "var SESSION_TIMEOUT = setTimeout(SESSION_TIMEOUT_FUNC, SERVER.session.timeout);\n";
/* (3) On cree les regles de routage QUAND ON EST CONNECTE
/* (2) Si on est connecté */
if( $auth == 2 ){
// logout from admin
$R->get('logout/?', function(){
$req = new Request('authenticationDefault/admin', ['username' => '-', 'password' => '']);
$res = $req->dispatch();
header('Location: /');
// nomPage/arg1/arg2 -> page correcte
$page_list = [ 'history', 'profile', 'machines', 'users', 'groups', 'options', 'settings' ];
$R->get('((?:'.implode('|', $page_list).')(?:/[\w-]+)*/?)', function($m){
include __PUBLIC__.'/view/view.php';
/* (3) Si on est pas admin, juste warehouse */
}else if( $auth == 1 ){
// warehouse logout
$R->get('logout/?', function(){
(new Request('authenticationDefault/warehouse', ['name' => '---', 'password' => '']))->dispatch();
header('Location: /');
// admin login page
$R->get('admin/?', function(){
include __PUBLIC__.'/view/admin.php';
/* (4) Si on est pas co */
// warehouse login page
$R->get('warehouse/?', function(){
include __PUBLIC__.'/view/warehouse.php';
/* (4) api/module/method -> Api */
$R->post('api(?:(/.*))/?', function($url){
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TREE_TOKEN']) )
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
// {1} Allow authed SATS not to be checked by session_guard.child //
if( $GLOBALS['auth'] < 3 || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']) )
if( !$GLOBALS['session_guard']->init_child() )
die(json_encode([ 'error' => 100, 'ErrorDescription' => 'session_guard.child error' ]));
$request = Loader::remote($url[0]);
$answer = $request->dispatch();
// Si c'est une réponse (et non un download)
if( $answer instanceof Response )
echo $answer->serialize();
/* (6) N'importe -> page d'accueil */
$R->get('.*', function(){ $GLOBALS['page_log']->log('get.redirect'); $GLOBALS['session_guard']->init_parent(); header(__REDIRECT__); });
$R->post('.*', function(){ $GLOBALS['page_log']->log('post.redirect'); header(__REDIRECT__); });
/* (3) On lance le routeur