151 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
151 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
require_once __DIR__.'/../../include/php/const';
function api_deploy($sync){
/* [1] Fetch api response
/* (1) Try to read response */
$file_r = @file_get_contents(TMP_DIR.'/api.response');
/* (2) Check response */
if( $file_r === false ){
slog('Cannot find api.response file', 'api:deploy', 'update');
return 127;
/* (3) Try to parse response */
$arr_r = json_decode($file_r, true);
/* (4) Check parse error */
if( is_null($arr_r) || !isset($arr_r['feature']) ){
slog('Cannot parse api.response file', 'api:deploy', 'update');
return 127;
/* [2] Get the list of daemons (features)
$feature = [];
$f = new SplFileObject(ETREE_CONF, 'r');
while( !$f->eof() ){
/* (1) Try to parse each line */
$etree = trim($f->fgets(), "\n");
/* (2) Manage error */
if( is_null($etree) || strlen($etree) == 0 )
/* (3) Add entry to log */
$feature[] = $etree;
/* [3] Launch deploy script for each feature
/* (1) For each feature */
foreach($feature as $feat_name){
/* (2) Check if specific data in response */
if( !isset($arr_r['feature'][$feat_name]) )
/* (3) Check for feature deploy script */
if( !file_exists(SOURCE_DIR."/feature/$feat_name/deploy") )
/* (4) Write useful exclusive data to tmp file */
file_put_contents(TMP_DIR."/$feat_name", json_encode($arr_r['feature'][$feat_name]));
/* (4) Execute deploy script */
$sync_suffix = $sync ? ' sync' : '';
/* [4] Get etrees list
/* (1) Check data */
if( !isset($arr_r['etrees']) || !is_array($arr_r['etrees']) ){
slog('No \'etree\' found in response file', "$FEATURE:deploy", 'update');
return 127;
/* (2) Reset file */
file_put_contents(ETREE_CONF, '');
/* (3) Replace content */
$f = new SplFileObject(ETREE_CONF, 'w');
foreach($arr_r['etrees'] as $etree)
$f->fwrite( $etree.PHP_EOL );
$f = null;
/* [5] Remove features' entries
/* (0) We are done if @sync */
if( $sync ){
slog('Post-sync deployment -> no history truncate', "$FEATURE:deploy", 'update');
return 0;
if( isset($arr_r['saved']) && is_array($arr_r['saved']) ){
foreach($arr_r['saved'] as $feat_name=>$count){
/* (2) Check history count */
if( !is_numeric($count) ){
slog("No \'history\' found for '$feat_name' in response file", "$FEATURE:deploy", 'update');
return 127;
/* (3) Fetch number of entries */
$saved = intval($count);
$saved = $saved < 0 ? 0 : $saved; // prevent negative
/* (4) Truncate the log file */
$truncated = syscall(SOURCE_DIR."/lib/file/truncate $feat_name {$saved}");
/* (5) Manage error */
if( $truncated === false ){
slog('History cannot be truncated', "$FEATURE:deploy", 'update');
return 127;
slog("History '$feat_name' succesfully truncated", "$FEATURE:deploy", 'update');
return 0;
/* Manage sync vs. sync */
$is_sync = false;
if( $argc > 1 && $argv[1] == 'sync' )
$is_sync = true;
$exec = api_deploy($is_sync);
if( $exec == 0 ) slog('Success', 'api:deploy', 'update');
else slog('Failure', 'api:deploy', 'update');
echo $exec;