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@ -10,174 +10,176 @@ Simple utility written in `go` that extends the standard `fmt.Sprintf` and `fmt.
<!-- toc -->
- [(1) Format](#1-format)
* [[Colorization]](#colorization)
+ [Base format](#base-format)
* [Example](#example)
+ [Foreground only](#foreground-only)
* [Example](#example-1)
+ [Background only](#background-only)
* [Example](#example-2)
* [[Markdown-like format]](#markdown-like-format)
+ [Bold format](#bold-format)
* [Example](#example-3)
+ [Italic format](#italic-format)
* [Example](#example-4)
+ [Underline format](#underline-format)
* [Example](#example-5)
+ [Hyperlink format](#hyperlink-format)
* [Example](#example-6)
- [(2) Screenshot](#2-screenshot)
- [I. How to use](#i-how-to-use)
* [1) Requirements](#1-requirements)
* [2) Installation](#2-installation)
* [3) Usage](#3-usage)
+ [a) As a library](#a-as-a-library)
+ [b) As an executable](#b-as-an-executable)
- [II. Format syntax](#ii-format-syntax)
* [1) Text style](#1-text-style)
- [III. Animations](#iii-animations)
- [IV. Screenshots](#iv-screenshots)
* [Colorizing format example :](#colorizing-format-example-)
* [Markdown-like format example](#markdown-like-format-example)
- [(3) Incoming features](#3-incoming-features)
- [V. Incoming features](#v-incoming-features)
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## I. How to use
## (1) Format
### 1) Requirements
The package **clifmt** can be used as a `go` library or as an executable. In either case, you need :
- any recent linux system (_has not been tested over other OSes_)
- `go` installed (_has not been tested under version **1.11**_)
### [Colorization]
### 2) Installation
#### Base format
Simply launch the following command in your favorite terminal
${<target text>}(<fg>:<bg>)
$ go get -u git.xdrm.io/go/clifmt
- `<target text>` is the text that will be colorized.
- `<fg>` is the name of the foreground color (*c.f. [color list](https://git.xdrm.io/go/clifmt/src/master/colors.go#L15)*), or an hex color (*e.g.`#00ffaa`, `#0fa`*).
- `<bg>` is the name of the background color with the same syntax as for the foreground.
> It will download the project sources into _`$GOPATH`/src/git.xdrm.io/go/clifmt_.
###### Example
### 3) Usage
#### a) As a library
You must import the library into your program with
clifmt.Printf("normal text ${red text over black}(red:#000) normal text")
> Note that it is not recommended to nest the different coloring formats.
#### Foreground only
${<target text>}(<fg>)
- `<target text>` is the text that will be colorized.
- `<fg>` is the name of the foreground color.
###### Example
clifmt.Printf("normal text ${red text}(red) normal text")
import "git.xdrm.io/go/clifmt"
#### Background only
Then, the following methods will be available
${<target text>}(:<bg>)
// Printf wraps the standard fmt.Printf() features but adds formatting capabilities
func Printf(fmt string, args ...interface{}) error
- `<target text>` is the text that will be colorized.
- `<bg>` is the name of the background color.
###### Example
// Sprintf acts as 'Printf' but returns the string instead of printing it
func Sprintf(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (string, error)
clifmt.Printf("normal text ${text over red}(#ff0000) normal text")
// Printpf acts as 'Printf' but takes as arguments either standard fmt.Printf arguments, or channels that will update the output when provided with correct values.
func Printpf(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (error)
### [Markdown-like format]
#### b) As an executable
You must run from your terminal
#### Bold format
**<target text>**
- `<target text>` is the text that will be bold.
###### Example
clifmt.Printf("normal text **bold text** normal text")
#### Italic format
*<target text>*
- `<target text>` is the text that will be italic.
###### Example
clifmt.Printf("normal text *italic text* normal text")
#### Underline format
_<target text>_
- `<target text>` is the text that will be underlined.
###### Example
clifmt.Printf("normal text _underline text_ normal text")
#### Hyperlink format
[<target text>](<target url>)
- `<target text>` is the text that will be displayed.
- `<target url>` is the url the hyperlink links to.
###### Example
clifmt.Printf("normal text [hyper](link) normal text")
$ go get -u git.xdrm.io/go/clifmt/cmd/clifmt
The `clifmt` executable will be available in your $GOBIN directory.
## (2) Screenshot
## II. Format syntax
### 1) Text style
The format has been designed with the markdown syntax in mind, but has some differences due to implementation issues and for stability.
The format is better described by the sample below than explanations :
// markdown-like
Printf("some normal text")
Printf("**some bold text**")
Printf("*some italic text*")
Printf("_some underline text_")
Printf("[link label](http://link_url)")
// colors
Printf("${red text}(red)")
Printf("${red text over blue background}(red:blue)")
Printf("${blue background text}(:blue)")
The code below will print the following result :
![definition example result](https://0x0.st/zrtE.png)
<u>**Note**</u>: Color names (_e.g. **red**, **blue**_) can be replaced by their hexadecimal representation (_e.g. **#ff0000**, **#0000ff**_) or the short version (_e.g. **#f00**, **#00f**_).
## III. Animations
The **Printpf** method allows you to pass [channels](https://tour.golang.org/concurrency/2) among ordinary arguments. It allows you to animate the text you want to print each time you send data on a channel argument.
The example below shows a simple progress bar using markdown-like syntax, colors and animations :
package main
import (
func main() {
// (1) animated values
var (
status = make(chan interface{})
color = make(chan interface{})
progress = make(chan interface{})
// (2) print your animated values
go clifmt.Printpf("[${%s}(%s)] **%d**%%", status, color, progress)
// (3) animate values
status <- "download"
color <- "red"
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
progress <- i
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)
status <- "done"
color <- "green"
The result is the following :
![animation result](https://cloud.xdrm.io/s/go_clifmt_anim_result)
## IV. Screenshots
@ -195,9 +197,9 @@ clifmt.Printf("normal text [hyper](link) normal text")
## (3) Incoming features
## V. Incoming features
- [x] **markdown-like formatting** - bold, italic, underlined, (strike-through?)
- [ ] **global alignment** - align text dynamically
- [ ] **progress-line** - redrawing format to show, for instance an animated progress bar on the same line
- [x] **progress-line** - redrawing format to show, for instance an animated progress bar on the same line