
336 lines
7.6 KiB

package config
import (
var braceRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^{([a-z_-]+)}$`)
var queryRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^GET@([a-z_-]+)$`)
var availableHTTPMethods = []string{http.MethodGet, http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut, http.MethodDelete}
// Service definition
type Service struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Pattern string `json:"path"`
Scope [][]string `json:"scope"`
Description string `json:"info"`
Input map[string]*Parameter `json:"in"`
Output map[string]*Parameter `json:"out"`
// Captures contains references to URI parameters from the `Input` map. The format
// of these parameter names is "{paramName}"
Captures []*BraceCapture
// Query contains references to HTTP Query parameters from the `Input` map.
// Query parameters names are "GET@paramName", this map contains escaped names (e.g. "paramName")
Query map[string]*Parameter
// Form references form parameters from the `Input` map (all but Captures and Query).
Form map[string]*Parameter
// BraceCapture links to the related URI parameter
type BraceCapture struct {
Name string
Index int
Ref *Parameter
// Match returns if this service would handle this HTTP request
func (svc *Service) Match(req *http.Request) bool {
if req.Method != svc.Method {
return false
if !svc.matchPattern(req.RequestURI) {
return false
return true
// checks if an uri matches the service's pattern
func (svc *Service) matchPattern(uri string) bool {
uriparts := SplitURL(uri)
parts := SplitURL(svc.Pattern)
if len(uriparts) != len(parts) {
return false
// root url '/'
if len(parts) == 0 && len(uriparts) == 0 {
return true
// check part by part
for i, part := range parts {
uripart := uriparts[i]
isCapture := len(part) > 0 && part[0] == '{'
// if no capture -> check equality
if !isCapture {
if part != uripart {
return false
param, exists := svc.Input[part]
// fail if no validator
if !exists || param.Validator == nil {
return false
// fail if not type-valid
if _, valid := param.Validator(uripart); !valid {
return false
return true
// Validate implements the validator interface
func (svc *Service) validate(datatypes ...datatype.T) error {
// check method
err := svc.isMethodAvailable()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field 'method': %w", err)
// check pattern
svc.Pattern = strings.Trim(svc.Pattern, " \t\r\n")
err = svc.isPatternValid()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field 'path': %w", err)
// check description
if len(strings.Trim(svc.Description, " \t\r\n")) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("field 'description': %w", errMissingDescription)
// check input parameters
err = svc.validateInput(datatypes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field 'in': %w", err)
// fail if a brace capture remains undefined
for _, capture := range svc.Captures {
if capture.Ref == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field 'in': %s: %w", capture.Name, errUndefinedBraceCapture)
// check output
err = svc.validateOutput(datatypes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field 'out': %w", err)
return nil
func (svc *Service) isMethodAvailable() error {
for _, available := range availableHTTPMethods {
if svc.Method == available {
return nil
return errUnknownMethod
func (svc *Service) isPatternValid() error {
length := len(svc.Pattern)
// empty pattern
if length < 1 {
return errInvalidPattern
if length > 1 {
// pattern not starting with '/' or ending with '/'
if svc.Pattern[0] != '/' || svc.Pattern[length-1] == '/' {
return errInvalidPattern
// for each slash-separated chunk
parts := SplitURL(svc.Pattern)
for i, part := range parts {
if len(part) < 1 {
return errInvalidPattern
// if brace capture
if matches := braceRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(part, -1); len(matches) > 0 && len(matches[0]) > 1 {
braceName := matches[0][1]
// append
if svc.Captures == nil {
svc.Captures = make([]*BraceCapture, 0)
svc.Captures = append(svc.Captures, &BraceCapture{
Index: i,
Name: braceName,
Ref: nil,
// fail on invalid format
if strings.ContainsAny(part, "{}") {
return errInvalidPatternBraceCapture
return nil
func (svc *Service) validateInput(types []datatype.T) error {
// ignore no parameter
if svc.Input == nil || len(svc.Input) < 1 {
svc.Input = make(map[string]*Parameter, 0)
return nil
// for each parameter
for paramName, param := range svc.Input {
if len(paramName) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errIllegalParamName)
// fail if brace capture does not exists in pattern
var iscapture, isquery bool
if matches := braceRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(paramName, -1); len(matches) > 0 && len(matches[0]) > 1 {
braceName := matches[0][1]
found := false
for _, capture := range svc.Captures {
if capture.Name == braceName {
capture.Ref = param
found = true
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errUnspecifiedBraceCapture)
iscapture = true
} else if matches := queryRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(paramName, -1); len(matches) > 0 && len(matches[0]) > 1 {
queryName := matches[0][1]
// init map
if svc.Query == nil {
svc.Query = make(map[string]*Parameter)
svc.Query[queryName] = param
isquery = true
} else {
if svc.Form == nil {
svc.Form = make(map[string]*Parameter)
svc.Form[paramName] = param
// fail if capture or query without rename
if len(param.Rename) < 1 && (iscapture || isquery) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errMandatoryRename)
// use param name if no rename
if len(param.Rename) < 1 {
param.Rename = paramName
err := param.validate(types...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, err)
// capture parameter cannot be optional
if iscapture && param.Optional {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errIllegalOptionalURIParam)
// fail on name/rename conflict
for paramName2, param2 := range svc.Input {
// ignore self
if paramName == paramName2 {
// 3.2.1. Same rename field
// 3.2.2. Not-renamed field matches a renamed field
// 3.2.3. Renamed field matches name
if param.Rename == param2.Rename || paramName == param2.Rename || paramName2 == param.Rename {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errParamNameConflict)
return nil
func (svc *Service) validateOutput(types []datatype.T) error {
// ignore no parameter
if svc.Output == nil || len(svc.Output) < 1 {
svc.Output = make(map[string]*Parameter, 0)
return nil
// for each parameter
for paramName, param := range svc.Output {
if len(paramName) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errIllegalParamName)
// use param name if no rename
if len(param.Rename) < 1 {
param.Rename = paramName
err := param.validate(types...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, err)
if param.Optional {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errOptionalOption)
// fail on name/rename conflict
for paramName2, param2 := range svc.Output {
// ignore self
if paramName == paramName2 {
// 3.2.1. Same rename field
// 3.2.2. Not-renamed field matches a renamed field
// 3.2.3. Renamed field matches name
if param.Rename == param2.Rename || paramName == param2.Rename || paramName2 == param.Rename {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", paramName, errParamNameConflict)
return nil