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-module: api
-version: 1.2
-For developers
-[**I.** Overview](#i-overview)
-- [**1** Introduction & features](#1-introduction--features)
-- [**2** Basic knowledge](#2-basic-knowledge)
-[**II.** Usage](#ii-usage)
-- [**1** REST API](#1-rest-api)
-- [**2** Internal use (PHP)](#2-internal-use)
-[**III.** Configuration](#iii-configuration)
-- [**1** Configuration format](#1---configuration-format)
-- [**2** Method definition](#2---methoddefinition)
- - [**2.1** Method description](#21---methoddescription)
- - [**2.2** Method permissions](#22---methodpermissions)
- - [**2.3** Method parameters](#23---methodparameters)
- - [parameter name](#parametername)
- - [parameter description](#parameterdescription)
- - [parameter type](#parameterchecker_type)
- - [parameter optional vs. required](#parameteris_optional)
- - [parameter rename](#parameterrename)
- - [parameter default value](#parameterdefault_value)
- - [**2.4** Method output format](#24---methodoutput_format)
- - [**2.5** Method options](#25---methodoptions)
-[**IV.** Implementation](#iv-implementation)
-- [**1** Permissions : AuthSystem](#1---permissions--authsystem)
-- [**2** Core implementation](#2---core-implementation)
- - [Classes](#classes)
- - [Methods](#methods)
- - [Method arguments](#method-arguments)
- - [Return statement](#return-statement)
- - [Before and After scripts](#before-and-after-scripts)
- - [Example](#example)
-[**V.** Type Checker](#v-type-checker)
-- [**1** Default Types](#1---default-types)
-- [**2** Complex Types](#2---complex-types)
-[**VI.** Documentation](#vi-documentation)
-- [**1** API accessible documentation](#1---api-accessible-documentation)
-For clients
-[**I.** Simple request](#i-simple-request)
-- [**1** URL](#1---URL)
-- [**2** variables](#2---variables)
-[**II.** Usage](#ii-usage)
-# **I.** Overview
-## **1** Introduction & features
-The `api` package (v1.2) allows you to easily create and manage a REST API for your applications.
-The aim of this package is to make your life easier working with APIs and internal delegation. The only things you have to do is to implement your controllers, middle-wares and write 2 configuration files, the package will do the rest.
-Things you **have** to do :
-- write the project configuration file (cf. [project configuration](#iii-project-configuration))
-- write the API definition file (cf. [api definition](#iv-api-definition))
-- implement your middle-wares to manage authentication, csrf, etc (cf. [AuthSystem](#1---middle-wares))
-- implement your controllers (cf. ???)
-- implement additional project-specific type checkers (cf. ???)
-Things you **don't have** to do :
-- check the input variables (cf. [Checker](#v-type-checker))
-- multiple permission management
-- optional or required input
-- Form data type : x-www-urlencoded, multipart, or file upload
-- URL variables (slash separated at the end of the route, like standard uri)
-- and a lot more ...
-## **2** Basic knowledge
-The API uses the routes defined in the _api.json_ configuration to export your code (in compiled go or other language). Middle-wares are executed when receiving a new request, then the controllers will be loaded according to the URI.
-* the module `article` contains methods:
- * `GET` to get article data
- * `POST` to post a new article
- * `PUT` to edit an existing article
- * `DELETE` to delete an exisint article
-*Note that these are all the available methods handled by aicra*
-# **III.** Project Configuration
-The documentation consists of directions for how to compile and run the project controllers, middle-wares and type checkers.
-## **1** - configuration format
- "root": "",
- "driver": "",
- "types": {
- "default": true,
- "folder": ""
- },
- "controllers": {
- "folder": "
-# **IV.** Implementation
-## **1** - middle-wares
-Each middle-ware must implement the [driver.Middleware](https://godoc.org/git.xdrm.io/go/aicra/driver#Middleware) interface.
-The `Inspect(http.Request, *[]string)` method gives you the actual http request. And you must edit the string list to add scope elements. After all middle-wares are executed, the final scope is used to check the **method.permission** field to decide whether the controller can be accessed.
-### example
-For instance here, we check if a token is sent inside the **Authorization** HTTP header. The token if valid defines scope permissions.
-package main
-import (
- "git.xdrm.io/aicra/driver"
- "net/http"
-// for the API code to export our middle-ware
-func Export() driver.Middleware { return new(TokenManager) }
-// mockup type to implement the driver.Middleware interface
-type TokenManager interface{}
-func (tm TokenManager) Inspect(req http.Request, scope *[]string) {
- token := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
- if !isTokenValid(token) {
- return
- }
- scope = append(scope, getTokenPermissions(token)...)
-*Note*: Functions `isTokenValid()` and `getTokenPermissions()` do not exist, it was in order for all to understand the example.
-## **2** - controller
-Each controller must implement the [driver.Controller](https://godoc.org/git.xdrm.io/go/aicra/driver#Controller) interface.
-The `Get(response.Arguments) response.Response` method defines the controller implementation for the `GET` method. Other methods are `Post`, `Put`, and `Delete`. Each controller will be given the arguments according to the api definition.
-### example
-For instance here, we implement a simple **user** controller.
-package main
-import (
- "git.xdrm.io/aicra/driver"
- "git.xdrm.io/aicra/response"
- "git.xdrm.io/aicra/err"
-// for the API code to export our middle-ware
-func Export() driver.Controller { return new(UserController) }
-// mockup type to implement the driver.Controller interface
-type UserController interface{}
-func (ctl UserController) Get(args response.Arguments) response.Response {
- res := response.New()
- // extract user ID argument
- user_id, ok := args["user_id"].(float64)
- if !ok {
- res.Err = e.Failure
- return *res
- }
- // fetch user data
- res.Set("user", getUserData(user_id))
- return res
-func (ctl UserController) Post(args response.Arguments) response.Response {
- res := response.New()
- // extract user ID argument
- username, ok := args["username"].(string)
- password, ok1 := args["password"].(string)
- if !ok || !ok1 {
- res.Err = e.Failure
- return *res
- }
- // store user data
- res.Set("created", storeUser(username, password))
- return res
-*Note*: Functions `getUserData(int) map[string]string` and `storeUser(string,string) bool` do not exist, it was in order for all to understand the example.
-# **V.** Type Checker
-Each type checker checks http request extracted values according to the type given in the api definition.
-The default types below are available in the `$GOPATH/src/git.xdrm.io/go/aicra/internal/checker/default`, they are loaded by default in any project. You can choose not to load them by settings `types`.`default` to `false` in the project configuration. To add custom types you must implement the [driver.Checker](https://godoc.org/git.xdrm.io/go/aicra/driver#Checker) interface and export it in order for aicra to dynamically load it.
-## **1** - Default types
-**Warning :** All received values are extracted using JSON format if possible, else values are considered raw strings.
-- `2`, `-3.2` are extracted as floats
-- `true` and `false` are stored as booleans
-- `null` is stored as null
-- `[x, y, z]` is stored as an array containing **x**, **y**, and **z** that can be themselves JSON-decoded if possible.
-- `{ "a": x }` is stored as a map containing **x** at the key "a", **x** can be itself JSON-decoded if possible.
-- `"some string"` is stored as a string
-- `some string` here, the decoding will fail (it is no valid JSON) so it will be stored as a string
-|`any`|`[9,"a"]`, `"a"`|Any data (can be simple or complex)|
-|`id`|`10`, `23`|Positive integer number|
-|`int`|`-10`, `23`|Any integer number|
-|`float`|`-10.2`, `23.5`|Any float|
-|`string`|`"Hello!"`|String that can be of any length (even empty)|
-|`digest(L)`|`"4612473aa81f93a878..."`|String with a length of `L`, containing only hexadecimal lowercase characters.|
-|`array`|`[]`, `[1, "a"]`|Any array|
-|`bool`|`true`, `false`|Boolean|
-|`varchar(a,b)`|`"Hello!"`|String with a length between `a` and `b` (included)|
-## **2** - Complex types
-|`array`|`a`|Array containing only entries matching the type `a`|
-|`FILE`|_a raw file send in `multipart/form-data`|A raw file sent by `multipart/form-data`|
-> **Note:** It is possible to chain `array` type as many as needed.
-**Ex.:** `array>` - Will only match an array containing arrays that only contains `id` entries.
-# **VI.** Documentation
-With the *all-in-config* method, we can generate a consistent documentation or other documents from the `/config/modules.json` file.
-## **1** - API accessible documentation
-You can request the API for information about the current URI by using the `OPTIONS` HTTP method.
-# **I.** Simple request
-## **1** - URL
-### format
-The `uri` format is as defined: `{base}/{path}/{GET_parameters}`, where
-- `{base}` is the server's *API* base uri (ex: `https://example.com/api/v1` or `https://api.exampl.com`)
-- `{path}` is the effective path you want to access (ex: `article/author`)
-- `{GET_parameters}` is a set of slash-separated values (ex: `val0/val1/val2//val4`)
-*Note:* GET parameters are not used as usual (`?var1=val1&var2=val2...`), instead the position in the URL gives them an implicit name which is `URL#`, where `#` is the index in the uri (beginning with 0).
-### example 1
-If you want to edit an article with the server's REST API, it could be defined as following:
-http: PUT
-path: article/{id_article}
- body: new content of the article
- updated: the updated article data
-Let's take the example where you want to update the article which id is **23** and set its body to "**blabla new content**"
-PUT article/23 HTTP/1.0
-HTTP/1.0 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
- "error": 0,
- "ErrorDescription": "all right",
- "updated": {
- "id_article": 23,
- "title": "article 23",
- "body": "blabla new content"
- }
-### example 2
-If you want to get a specific article line, the request could be defined as following
-http: GET
-path: article/line/{id_article}/{no_line}
-input: -
- articles: the list of matching lines
-Let's take the example where you want to get **all articles** because `id_article` is set to optional, but you only want the first line of each so you have to give only the second parameter set to `1` (first line).
-*Solution:* The position in the `uri` where `id_article` must be, have to be left empty: it will result of 2 slashes (`//`).
-GET article/line//1 HTTP/1.0
-HTTP/1.0 200 OK
-Content-Type: application/json
- "error": 0,
- "ErrorDescription": "all right",
- "articles": [
- {
- "id_article": 23,
- "line": [ 0: "blabla new content"
- },{
- "id_article": 25,
- "line": [ 0: "some article"
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file