The whole api behavior is described inside a json file (_e.g. usually api.json_). For a better understanding of the format, take a look at this working [template]( This file defines :
The root of the json file must be an array containing your requests definitions. For each, you will have to create fields described in the table above.
| `info` | A short human-readable description of what the method does | `create a new user` |
| `scope` | A 2-dimensional array of permissions. The first dimension can be translated to a **or** operator, the second dimension as a **and**. It allows you to combine permissions in complex ways. | `[["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]]` can be translated to : this method needs users to have permissions (A **and** B) **or** (C **and** D) |
| `in` | The list of arguments that the clients will have to provide. [Read more](#input-arguments). | |
| `out` | The list of output data that will be returned by your controllers. It has the same syntax as the `in` field but optional parameters are not allowed |
- **URI** - data from inside the request path. For instance, if your controller is bound to the `/user/{id}` URI, you can set the input argument `{id}` matching this uri part.
- **Query** - data formatted at the end of the URL following the standard [HTTP Query]( syntax.
- **URL encoded** - data send inside the body of the request but following the [HTTP Query]( syntax.
- **Multipart** - data send inside the body of the request with a dedicated [format]( This format is not very lightweight but allows you to receive data as well as files.
- **JSON** - data send inside the body as a json object ; each key being a variable name, each value its content. Note that the HTTP header '**Content-Type**' must be set to `application/json` for the API to use it.
- the 1^st^ one is send at the end of the URI and is a number compliant with the `int` type checker. It is renamed `article_id`, this new name will be sent to the handler.
- the 2^nd^ one is send in the query (_e.g. [http://host/uri?get-var=value](http://host/uri?get-var=value)_). It must be a valid `string` or not given at all (the `?` at the beginning of the type tells that the argument is **optional**) ; it will be named `title`.
- the 3^rd^ can be send with a **JSON** body, in **multipart** or **URL encoded** it makes no difference and only give clients a choice over the technology to use. If not renamed, the variable will be given to the handler with the name `content`.