prepare('SELECT * FROM RDV WHERE = :id'); $req->execute(['id' => $id]); return StaticRepo::delNumeric( $req->fetch(), true ); } public static function getForMonth($month, $year){ $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare("SELECT RDV.Id, RDV.DateRDV, RDV.Medecin_Id, RDV.Patient_Id, RDV.Duree, Medecin.Prenom as M_Prenom, Medecin.Nom as M_Nom, Patient.Prenom as P_Prenom, Patient.Nom as P_Nom FROM RDV, Patient, Medecin WHERE Patient.Id = RDV.Patient_Id AND Medecin.Id = RDV.Medecin_Id AND MONTH(DateRDV) = :month AND YEAR(DateRDV) = :year ORDER BY DateRDV ASC"); $req->execute(array( ':month' => $month, ':year' => $year )); return $req->fetchAll(); } public static function getByDate($date){ if(!StaticRepo::checkParam($date,'Date')){return false;} $date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)); $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('SELECT * FROM RDV WHERE DATE(DateRDV) = :date ORDER BY DateRDV ASC'); $req->execute(['date' => $date]); return StaticRepo::delNumeric($req->fetchAll()); } public static function delete($idRDV){ if(!StaticRepo::checkParam($idRDV,'Numeric')){return false;} $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('DELETE FROM RDV WHERE = :id'); return $req->execute(['id' => $idRDV]); } public static function add($date,$duree,$idPatient,$idMedecin){ if(!StaticRepo::checkParam($date,'Date') && !StaticRepo::checkParam($duree,'Integer') && !StaticRepo::checkParam($idPatient,'Integer') && !StaticRepo::checkParam($idMedecin,'Integer')){return false;} $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($date)); $duree = date('H:i:s',$duree*60); $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('INSERT INTO RDV VALUES (DEFAULT,:date,:duree,:patient,:medecin)'); $result = $req->execute(['date' => $date, 'duree' => $duree, 'patient' => $idPatient, 'medecin' => $idMedecin]); //PDO renvoie un ID sous forme de char, on transtype $id = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->lastInsertId(); settype($id,'integer'); if($result){return $id;} else{return false;} } public static function updateDateTime($idRDV, $dateRdv, $duree){ if(!StaticRepo::checkParam($idRDV, 'Numeric')) return false; $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('UPDATE RDV SET DateRDV = :date_rdv, Duree = :duree WHERE id = :id'); return $req->execute([ ':date_rdv' => $dateRdv, ':duree' => $duree, ':id' => $idRDV ]); } public static function getByPatientAndDate($idPatient,$date){ if(!StaticRepo::checkParam($idPatient,'Integer') && !StaticRepo::checkParam($date,'Date')){return false;} $date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)); $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('SELECT * FROM RDV WHERE Patient_Id=:patient AND DATE(DateRDV)=:date'); $req->execute(['patient' => $idPatient, 'date' => $date]); return StaticRepo::delNumeric($req->fetchAll()); } public static function getAll($date = 0){ if(!StaticRepo::checkParam($date,'Integer')){return false;} $dateTime = date('Y-m-d',time()); switch($date){ case -1: $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('SELECT * FROM RDV WHERE DATE(DateRDV) <= :date ORDER BY DateRDV ASC'); $req->execute(['date' => $dateTime]); break; case 0: $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('SELECT * FROM RDV ORDER BY DateRDV ASC'); $req->execute(); break; case 1: $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('SELECT * FROM RDV WHERE DATE(DateRDV) >= :date ORDER BY DateRDV ASC'); $req->execute(['date' => $dateTime]); break; } return StaticRepo::delNumeric($req->fetchAll()); } public static function getByMonth($date){ $strDate = date( 'Y-m-d', $date ); // si erreur on retourne un tableau vide if( !StaticRepo::checkParam($strDate, 'Date') ) return []; $req = StaticRepo::getConnexion()->prepare('SELECT *, ((HOUR(Duree)*60)+MINUTE(Duree)) AS Minute FROM RDV WHERE MONTH(DateRDV) = :month AND YEAR(DateRDV) = :year ORDER BY DateRDV ASC'); $req->execute([ 'month' => date( 'm', $date ), 'year' => date( 'Y', $date ) ]); return StaticRepo::delNumeric( $req->fetchAll() ); } }