192 lines
4.6 KiB

Principe: colorer en modifiant les pixels (n&b) dans un ton (teinte) précisée
restitue la contraste mais recentre la couleur autour de la teinte
/************ ALGO **************/
i = 50 // incertitude
t = RGBPixel(1,2,3) // teinte souhaitée
p = RGBPixel(1,2,3) // couleur actuelle
/************ CODE **************/
def colorize(pixel, tint):
Principe: récupérer une forme par récurrence
Ajouter les 8 bits périphériques du pixel courant s'il existe et s'il a des couleurs pas trop éloignées des précédentes
/************ ALGO **************/
/************ CODE **************/
def getShape(self, coords, pixelMap, pixelList ): # return PixelList
# coords = [lastx, lasty, x, y]
width = len( pixelMap[0] )
height = len( pixelMap )
lastx = coords[0]
lasty = coords[1]
x = coords[2]
y = coords[3]
newCoords = [x, y]
# si le pixel existe (pas de dépassement de la pixelMap)
if x<width and x>=0 and y<height and y>=0:
already = False;
for i in range(0, len(pixelList)):
if pixelList[i] == pixelMap[y][x]:
already = True;
# si le pixel n'est pas déjà dans le tableau
if not already:
pixelMap[y][x].setRGB(255,0,0); # debug, tout rouge
pixelList.append( pixelMap[y][x] ) # ajout au tableau
self.getShape(newCoords+[x-1, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 1
self.getShape(newCoords+[x, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 2
self.getShape(newCoords+[x+1, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 3
self.getShape(newCoords+[x-1, y], pixelMap, pixelList) # 4
# current pixel
self.getShape(newCoords+[x+1, y], pixelMap, pixelList) # 6
self.getShape(newCoords+[x-1, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 7
self.getShape(newCoords+[x, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 8
self.getShape(newCoords+[x+1, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 9
def getShapeRecursive(self, coords, pixelMap, pixelList ): # return PixelList
# coords = [lastx, lasty, x, y]
width = len( pixelMap[0] )
height = len( pixelMap )
lastx = coords[0]
lasty = coords[1]
x = coords[2]
y = coords[3]
newCoords = [x, y]
# si le pixel existe (pas de dépassement de la pixelMap)
if x<width and x>=0 and y<height and y>=0:
already = False;
for i in range(0, len(pixelList)):
if pixelList[i] == pixelMap[y][x]:
already = True;
# si le pixel n'est pas déjà dans le tableau
if not already:
# si trop de différence
lastP = pixelMap[lasty][lastx]
pix = pixelMap[y][x]
if abs(lastP.r-pix.r) <= 50 and abs(lastP.g-pix.g) <= 50 and abs(lastP.b-pix.b) <= 50:
pixelList.append( pixelMap[y][x] ) # ajout au tableau
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x-1, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 1
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 2
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x+1, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 3
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x-1, y ], pixelMap, pixelList) # 4
# current pixel
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x+1, y ], pixelMap, pixelList) # 6
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x-1, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 7
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 8
self.getShapeRecursive( [x, y, x+1, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 9
def getShape(self, coords, pixelMap, pixelList):
# coords = [lastx, lasty, x, y]
width = len( pixelMap[0] )
height = len( pixelMap )
lastx = coords[0]
lasty = coords[1]
x = coords[2]
y = coords[3]
if x<width and x>=0 and y<height and y>=0:
already = False;
for pix in pixelList:
if pix == pixelMap[y][x]:
already = True;
# si le pixel n'est pas déjà dans le tableau
if not already:
# si trop de différence
lastP = pixelMap[lasty][lastx]
pix = pixelMap[y][x]
if abs(lastP.r-pix.r) <= 50 and abs(lastP.g-pix.g) <= 50 and abs(lastP.b-pix.b) <= 50:
return pixelMap[y][x];
# self.getShape( [x, y, x-1, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 1
# self.getShape( [x, y, x, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 2
# self.getShape( [x, y, x+1, y+1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 3
# self.getShape( [x, y, x-1, y ], pixelMap, pixelList) # 4
# # current pixel
# self.getShape( [x, y, x+1, y ], pixelMap, pixelList) # 6
# self.getShape( [x, y, x-1, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 7
# self.getShape( [x, y, x, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 8
# self.getShape( [x, y, x+1, y-1], pixelMap, pixelList) # 9
return None # return none si le pixel n'est plus de la forme