307 lines
9.0 KiB
307 lines
9.0 KiB
# ~*~ encoding: utf-8 ~*~ #
# classes
from BMPFile import *
from Noise import *
from tests import *
import random
import sys
from os import system as sh
import time
# test par défaut puis quitte
# defaultTest();
# exit();
# arrêt si moins de 2 arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Require 2 args : \n* input image\n* output image"
################" INTERFACE "###################
def interfaceLoop():
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| |"
print "| |"
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| <A> %s |" % exactLength( sys.argv[1], 21, -1)
print "| <B> %s |" % exactLength( sys.argv[2], 21, -1)
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| %s |" % exactLength("TESTS DE FICHIER", 25, 0)
print "| %s |" % exactLength("", 25, 0)
print "| 0) %s |" % exactLength("Creation manuelle", 21, -1)
print "| 1) %s |" % exactLength("Parse/Unparse", 21, -1)
print "| 2) %s |" % exactLength("Afficher palette", 21, -1)
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| %s |" % exactLength("TESTS DE BRUIT", 25, 0)
print "| %s |" % exactLength("", 25, 0)
print "| 10) %s |" % exactLength("Salt&Pepper", 21, -1)
print "| 11) %s |" % exactLength("Additif (Bernouilli)", 21, -1)
print "| 12) %s |" % exactLength("Additif (Gaussien)", 21, -1)
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| %s |" % exactLength("TESTS DE DIFFERENCES", 25, 0)
print "| %s |" % exactLength("", 25, 0)
print "| 20) %s |" % exactLength("Difference en %", 21, -1)
print "| 21) %s |" % exactLength("SNR (origine/bruit)", 21, -1)
print "| 22) %s |" % exactLength("Difference en image", 21, -1)
print "| 23) %s |" % exactLength("Fusion d'images (+)", 21, -1)
print "| 24) %s |" % exactLength("Fusion d'images (-)", 21, -1)
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| %s |" % exactLength("TESTS DE FORMES", 25, 0)
print "| %s |" % exactLength("", 25, 0)
print "| 30) %s |" % exactLength("Reveler une teinte", 21, -1)
print "| 31) %s |" % exactLength("Colorer une forme", 21, -1)
print "| 32) %s |" % exactLength("Colorer les formes", 21, -1)
print "| 33) %s |" % exactLength("Relever les contours", 21, -1)
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| %s |" % exactLength("TESTS DE FILTRES", 25, 0)
print "| %s |" % exactLength("", 25, 0)
print "| 40) %s |" % exactLength("Filtre moyen", 21, -1)
print "| 41) %s |" % exactLength("Laplace", 21, -1)
print "| 42) %s |" % exactLength("Roberts", 21, -1)
print "| 43) %s |" % exactLength("Prewitt", 21, -1)
print "| 44) %s |" % exactLength("Sobel", 21, -1)
print "| 45) %s |" % exactLength("Convolution", 21, -1)
print "| 46) %s |" % exactLength("bichrome", 21, -1)
print "| 47) %s |" % exactLength("Passe Haut", 21, -1)
print "+---------------------------+"
while True:
action = int( raw_input("choix: ") )
if action >= 0 and action < 50:
startStr = "\n+---------------------------+---------+"
result = ""
execTime = Timer(); execTime.reset();
# fichier
if action == 0:
w = raw_input("width [100]: ")
h = raw_input("height [100]: ")
arg1, arg2 = 100, 100
if w != "":
arg1 = int(w)
if h != "":
arg2 = int(h)
print startStr
testManualCreation(image1, arg1, arg2) # teste la création d'un fichier à partir d'une matrice uniquement
elif action == 1:
print startStr
result = testFileIntegrity(image1) # teste le PARSE/UNPARSE
elif action == 2:
print startStr
result = printIntPalette(image1) # affiche la palette d'une image
# bruits
elif action == 10:
inS = raw_input("seuil bruitage [50]: ")
outS = raw_input("seuil débruitage [1] : ")
outB = raw_input("borne débruitage [1] : ")
s = raw_input("Lissage ? (0-1): ")
arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = 50, 1, 1, 1
if inS != "":
arg1 = int(inS)
if outS != "":
arg2 = int(outS)
if outB != "":
arg3 = int(outB)
if s != "":
arg4 = int(s)
print startStr
testSaltAndPepper(image1, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) # teste le bruitage/débruitage de type "Sel & Poivre"
elif action == 11:
inS = raw_input("seuil bruitage [10]: ")
outS = raw_input("seuil débruitage [5] : ")
arg1, arg2 = 10, 5
if inS != "":
arg1 = int(inS)
if outS != "":
arg2 = int(outS)
print startStr
testAdditiveBernouilliNoise(image1, arg1, arg2) # teste le bruitage/débruitage de type "Additif"
elif action == 12:
inS = raw_input("sigma [10]: ")
outS = raw_input("seuil débruitage [1] : ")
arg1, arg2 = 10, 1
if inS != "":
arg1 = int(inS)
if outS != "":
arg2 = int(outS)
print startStr
testAdditiveGaussianNoise(image1, arg1, arg2) # teste le bruitage/débruitage de type "Additif"
# performances
elif action == 20:
print startStr
printImageQuality(image1, image2) # compare 2 images et donne le pourcentage de ressemblance/différence
elif action == 21:
print startStr
printSNR(image1, image2) # compare 2 images et retourne le SNR
elif action == 22:
print startStr
imageForImageQuality(image1, image2) # crée une image correspondant aux différences de 2 images
elif action == 23:
print startStr
mergeImagesAdditive(image1, image2) # crée une image étant la fusion (addition) de 2 images
elif action == 24:
print startStr
mergeImagesSubstractive(image1, image2) # crée une image étant la fusion (soustractive) de 2 images
elif action == 30:
r = raw_input("rouge [0]: ")
g = raw_input("vert [0]: ")
b = raw_input("bleu [0]: ")
s = raw_input("seuil [50]: ")
arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = 0,0,0,50
if r != "":
arg1 = int(r)
if g != "":
arg2 = int(g)
if b != "":
arg3 = int(b)
if s != "":
arg4 = int(s)
print startStr
revealShapes(image1, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) # révèle la couleur spécifiée
elif action == 31:
x = raw_input("abscisses(x) [0]: ")
y = raw_input("ordonnées(y) [0]: ")
arg1, arg2 = 0,0
if x != "":
arg1 = int(x)
if y != "":
arg2 = int(y)
print startStr
colorShape(image1, arg1, arg2) # colorie la forme contenant le pixel de coordonnées donné
elif action == 32:
print startStr
colorAllShapes(image1) # colorie la forme contenant le pixel de coordonnées donné
elif action == 33:
print startStr
testStroke(image1) # trace les contours uniquement à partir de formes pleines
# filtres
elif action == 40:
print startStr
testAverageFilter(image1) # teste le lissage
elif action == 41:
print startStr
testLaplace(image1) # teste le filtre de Laplace
elif action == 42:
print startStr
testRoberts(image1) # teste le filtre de Roberts
elif action == 43:
print startStr
testPrewitt(image1) # teste le filtre de Prewitt
elif action == 44:
print startStr
testSobel(image1) # teste le filtre de Sobel
elif action == 45:
print startStr
testConvolution(image1) # teste le filtre de Convolution
elif action == 46:
print startStr
testBichrome(image1) # teste le passage au bichromatique
elif action == 47:
print startStr
testHighPass(image1) # teste le filtre passe haut
print "Wrong choice"
print "+---------------------------+---------+"
print "| EXECUTION TIME | %s |" % execTime.get()
print "+---------------------------+---------+"
print result
print '- [ BUT PRESS "Q" TO QUIT ] -';
print '- [ OR PRESS "R" TO RELOAD ] -';
print '- [ OR PRESS "S" TO SAVE ] -';
loopKey = raw_input(': ');
if( loopKey == 'q' or loopKey == 'Q' ):
elif( loopKey == 'r' or loopKey == 'R' ):
elif( loopKey == 's' or loopKey == 'S' ):
out = raw_input("out file: ");
################" EXECUTABLE "###################
print "+---------------------------+"
print "| |"
print "| CHARGEMENT... |"
print "| |"
print "+---------------------------+"
image1, file1 = BMPFile(True), "";
image2, file2 = BMPFile(), "";
with open( sys.argv[1] ) as file:
file1 += file.read();
with open( sys.argv[2] ) as file:
file2 += file.read()
except Exception as e:
print e;
def loadFiles():
image1.parse( file1 );
for line in image1.content.map:
for pix in line:
image1.drawer.setPixel( pix );
if( file2 != "" ):
image2.parse( file2 );