
45 lines
1.1 KiB

let g:onedark_termcolors=256
colorscheme onedark
syntax on
set mouse=a
" search "
set ignorecase " ignore case
set smartcase " . only if not all in lowercase
set incsearch " show matches when typing pattern
set hlsearch " highlights matches
" display "
set splitright " split right instead of left
set autoindent " auto linebreak indentation
set relativenumber " show relative number for lines
set number " but absolute number for current line
set showcmd " show typed command
set encoding=utf-8 " set encoding
scriptencoding utf-8 " set encoding ??
set list " for next command
set listchars=eol,tab:>\ ,trail:⋅ " characters to display instead of whitespace characters
" default fold method
set foldmethod=syntax
" use filetype
filetype plugin on
" search path recursive
set path+=**
" abbreviations
" functions
" yank buffer "0 to clipboard
map <C-Y> :tabnew<CR>"0p:saveas /tmp/cclip.tmp<CR>:!cat % \| xclip -sel clip<CR>:!rm %<CR>:q!<CR>
" paste clipboard to buffer "0
map <C-P> :tabnew<CR>:.!xclip -sel clip -o<CR>ggdG:q!<CR>